Thread: (security) Rules of thumb for escaping user input?

(security) Rules of thumb for escaping user input?

Bill Gribble
I'm a relative novice to SQL in general.  I'm a little on edge right now
because I recently had a frightening conversation with a friend who's a
security analyst about the standard ways to hack into SQL-using apps,
and I'm wondering what steps I need to take to prevent similar attacks
against my own apps.

My friend gave me a verbal walkthrough of an exploit he had demonstrated
to a Major Software Company of how their app allowed an unprivileged
user to trash the database server machine (running MS SQL Server)
because it didn't properly escape user-inputted strings before
sprintf-ing them into queries.   By a combination of single quotes,
double quotes, and comment characters introduced into the fields of a
form, he was able to break out of the formatted query and have the
server execute SQL that he typed as part of the form.   Apparently the
default install of SQL Server enables a server side scripting language
that permits the running of arbitrary programs on the server... so he
was basically able to type 'format c:' or something equally clever into
a form and have it go to town :(

So the only escaping I do in my app currently is to replace ' with '' in
user-input strings.  If I assume that the goal is to prevent any
user-input strings from being evaluated as SQL statements (only to allow
user input as constant values), what other escaping do I need to do?

Is there a SQL "hack prevention" FAQ out there somewhere?


Re: (security) Rules of thumb for escaping user input?

Martijn van Oosterhout
On Wed, May 15, 2002 at 09:56:45AM -0500, Bill Gribble wrote:
> So the only escaping I do in my app currently is to replace ' with '' in
> user-input strings.  If I assume that the goal is to prevent any
> user-input strings from being evaluated as SQL statements (only to allow
> user input as constant values), what other escaping do I need to do?

Off the top of my head, you should probably be escaping the backslash (\)

> Is there a SQL "hack prevention" FAQ out there somewhere?

Not that I know of. If you're using perl you can use the tainting mechanism.
Modify to complain about any tainted queries. Then only values that
you have cleared through a regex will work. Very secure, but can be a lot of

Other languages have tainting also IIRC.

However, I find escaping just as you're building the query to be quite
Martijn van Oosterhout   <>
> Canada, Mexico, and Australia form the Axis of Nations That
> Are Actually Quite Nice But Secretly Have Nasty Thoughts About America

Re: (security) Rules of thumb for escaping user input?

Tom Lane
Bill Gribble <> writes:
> So the only escaping I do in my app currently is to replace ' with '' in
> user-input strings.  If I assume that the goal is to prevent any
> user-input strings from being evaluated as SQL statements (only to allow
> user input as constant values), what other escaping do I need to do?

In PG you also need to double backslashes.  That's it --- there are no
other special characters in string literals.

            regards, tom lane

Re: (security) Rules of thumb for escaping user input?

Lincoln Yeoh
At 09:56 AM 5/15/02 -0500, Bill Gribble wrote:
>So the only escaping I do in my app currently is to replace ' with '' in
>user-input strings.  If I assume that the goal is to prevent any
>user-input strings from being evaluated as SQL statements (only to allow
>user input as constant values), what other escaping do I need to do?

If you already know all the following, I'm sorry for going a bit off topic.
It's just that many don't seem to.

Every app (including DBs) has its own quirks and preferences, so you should
use appropriate filters for each. Do NOT combine them[1]. I strongly
suggest you have filters for each data entry and exit point for your
application e.g:

Application input filter
application--Output filter #1 - Output #1
|        |___Output filter #2 - Output #2
Database filter

App input filter - filter stuff so your app doesn't choke or break.
DB filter - filter stuff so DB doesn't choke or break and accepts things
Output filters - filter stuff so viewer/destination doesn't choke or break.

DB filter - assuming you use plain ASCII (otherwise good luck! Maybe
someone here knows how to filter multibytes/unicode safely for Pg or XYZ, I
don't so I only support ASCII) - filter out all nonprintable characters -
except maybe cr/lf/tab for certain cases. This includes filtering out the
null character - I believe you don't want to try sending \000 into the DB
or unsuspecting apps :).

(Then you may wish to do some post processing e.g. trim
leading/trailing/extra spaces).

AFTER that, do the normal DB quoting. For postgresql backslashes for
backslashes, single quotes for single quotes. Seems backslashes work for
single quotes too.

Many DB connection modules provide quoting. For perl use DBI, DBD and use
the placeholders ? and execute($var1,$var2) to stick in variables - that
way you get automatic quoting. Otherwise you'll have to use DBH->quote
everywhere. For java there's similar placeholder sort of stuff (prepared
queries or something like that).

Many quoting functions do not filter out SQL wildcard characters e.g. % and
_. This is probably intentional. But these wildcard characters have special
meaning in LIKE queries. If you are not careful with LIKE queries, people
could force full table scans everywhere and|or see more than they are
supposed to. So you may want to carefully consider these cases - some cases
they are useful, some too useful ;). For instance I've managed to find out
how many customers a certificate authority (not a big one) had - tsk tsk :).

Note[1]: Combining filters (esp input and output) is a BAD idea. You may
notice spurious backslashes (e.g. isn\'t) or other out-of-place characters
in the content of some websites (esp PHP ones) - this is probably due to a
braindead filtering architecture - data is filtered for the DB/XYZ even as
it enters the application (e.g. PHP's addslashes), thus the app doesn't
know whether the backslash is from the user or not, and can't treat it
appropriately - when sending back to itself or to other apps. So keep the
filters separate.

Hope that helps,