Thread: Chatter in C++ interface

Chatter in C++ interface

Paul M Foster
With the C++ interface, when creating databases which have foreign keys
and such, the backend dumps out a lot of notices to stderr, to the
effect that the creation of the table with create implicit triggers and
so forth. I don't really need to know this, but other than dumping
stderr to /dev/null, as in:

myprog parameter 2>/dev/null

I don't know how to turn this off. Anyone know of a way?


Re: Chatter in C++ interface

Tom Lane
Paul M Foster <> writes:
> With the C++ interface, when creating databases which have foreign keys
> and such, the backend dumps out a lot of notices to stderr, to the
> effect that the creation of the table with create implicit triggers and
> so forth. I don't really need to know this ...

AFAIK there's no way to selectively suppress the "chatter" in current
releases.  That code's been redesigned recently, though, and it should
be easy to suppress the allegedly-helpful notices in 7.3.

In the meantime you could provide your own notice-message processor
that checks for the messages you don't want to see.  Dunno if your
annoyance level is high enough to warrant writing such a thing...

            regards, tom lane