Thread: [why copy ? its not correct working outside static sytax ? ]

[why copy ? its not correct working outside static sytax ? ]

Hallo, erverybody !

I am working with Postgresql 7.2 on cygwin !

I have this problem inside from Database with functions and inside from

A Example :

create or replace function copy_data (varchar,varchar) returns varchar
as '
  aurl ALIAS FOR $1;
  adelim ALIAS FOR $2;

-- nice its work very fine with static param ...
 copy transimport from  ''/home/usrer/imports/trans.txt'';

 -- where default \t is fieldseparator don't work with params wy ?
 copy transimport from aurl;

 --very very cosmic not for use in copy
 --aurl := ''''''/home/user/imports/trans.txt'''''';
 --raise notice ''killer: %'',aurl;

 return ''ok-master'';

' language 'plpgsql';

Re: [why copy ? its not correct working outside static

Stephan Szabo
On Fri, 10 May 2002, R.Tichy wrote:

> Hallo, erverybody !
> I am working with Postgresql 7.2 on cygwin !
> I have this problem inside from Database with functions and inside from
> JDBC....
> A Example :
> create or replace function copy_data (varchar,varchar) returns varchar
> as '
> declare
>   aurl ALIAS FOR $1;
>   adelim ALIAS FOR $2;
> begin
> -- nice its work very fine with static param ...
>  copy transimport from  ''/home/usrer/imports/trans.txt'';
>  -- where default \t is fieldseparator don't work with params wy ?
>  copy transimport from aurl;

I'm not sure of the details of why this doesn't work, but
it appears you may be able to make this work using EXECUTE.