Thread: feature (feature status) request - function overriding table permissions

feature (feature status) request - function overriding table permissions

Hubert depesz Lubaczewski
as you perhaps :) know, view permissions override table permissions.
i.e. i can have users user_a and user_b; and table x with no permissions
for user_b, but then create view : create view view_x as select * from
x; and grant select permission on this view to user_b.
this way user_b has no direct access to table x, but he can read it's
content through premade views.

some time during last year i suggested doing something like this for
functions. i.e. in my example i'd like to create function which will
update table x, and give user_b access to execute this function, thus
efectivelly allowing him to modify table x - without direct access for
"update table."

now, the question is:
has anything changed since then? maybe there are this kind of function
(i call them "suid" functions), and i'm just not aware of this fact? or
you just said "this idea is stupid, kill it".

i know that i can make workaround by making rules, but i see this as
highly unoptimal solution - a lot of things to be done, and i just
"feel" that "suid" function would be faster.

thanks for any reply with information on this.
unfortunatelly i can not help with writing this as my knowledge of c is
far too limited to even start looking at this.

best regards


hubert depesz lubaczewski                
... vows are spoken to be broken ...                 [enjoy the silence]
... words are meaningless and forgettable ...             [depeche mode]