Thread: j2sdk1.4.0 jdbc compile errors

j2sdk1.4.0 jdbc compile errors

Mark Price
I am attempting to build postgresql-7.2.1 with the jdbc,
using j2sdk1.4.0 to compile.  It is not working, as detailed
in the attached file.
If building with sun's sdk v. 1.3.1, it builds fine without
changing any configuration (classpath, etc.), just type
./configure --use-java

I have a question or two:
  Is it advantageous to use j2re1.3.1 over 1.4.0 after
having built with 1.3.1?
  Is it feasable, and/or a good idea to build with
j2sdk1.4.0, and is that a stable, reliable option?

Mark Price


Re: j2sdk1.4.0 jdbc compile errors

Barry Lind

The jdbc driver currently does not build under jdk1.4.  You will either
need to download a prebuilt jar, or build under jdk1.3.  Either way a
the driver build under 1.3 will run fine under 1.4 as long as you don't
try to use any of the new functionality available in 1.4.


Mark Price wrote:
> Hello,
> I am attempting to build postgresql-7.2.1 with the jdbc,
> using j2sdk1.4.0 to compile.  It is not working, as detailed
> in the attached file.
> If building with sun's sdk v. 1.3.1, it builds fine without
> changing any configuration (classpath, etc.), just type
> ./configure --use-java
> make
> I have a question or two:
>   Is it advantageous to use j2re1.3.1 over 1.4.0 after
> having built with 1.3.1?
>   Is it feasable, and/or a good idea to build with
> j2sdk1.4.0, and is that a stable, reliable option?
> Thanks,
> Mark Price
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Script started on Mon Apr 15 19:27:21 2002
> mprice@cricket1:~/pg/postgresql-7.2.1/src/interfaces/jdbc/org$ make
> make: *** No targets specified and no makefile found.  Stop.
> mprice@cricket1:~/pg/postgresql-7.2.1/src/interfaces/jdbc/org$ cd ../../../
> mprice@cricket1:~/pg/postgresql-7.2.1/src$ cd interfaces/jdbc
> mprice@cricket1:~/pg/postgresql-7.2.1/src/interfaces/jdbc$ make
> /usr/bin/ant -buildfile ./build.xml all \
>   -Dmajor=7 -Dminor=2 -Dfullversion=7.2.1 -Ddef_pgport=5432
> Buildfile: ./build.xml
> all:
> prepare:
> check_versions:
> driver:
>      [echo] Configured build for the JDBC2 Enterprise edition driver
> compile:
>     [javac] Compiling 37 source files to /home/mprice/pg/postgresql-7.2.1/src/interfaces/jdbc/build
>     [javac] /home/mprice/pg/postgresql-7.2.1/src/interfaces/jdbc/org/postgresql/jdbc2/
org.postgresql.jdbc2.Statementshould be declared abstract; it does not define getMoreResults(int) in
>     [javac] public class Statement extends org.postgresql.Statement implements java.sql.Statement
>     [javac]        ^
>     [javac] /home/mprice/pg/postgresql-7.2.1/src/interfaces/jdbc/org/postgresql/jdbc2/
org.postgresql.jdbc2.PreparedStatementshould be declared abstract; it does not define setURL(int, in
>     [javac] public class PreparedStatement extends Statement implements java.sql.PreparedStatement
>     [javac]        ^
>     [javac] /home/mprice/pg/postgresql-7.2.1/src/interfaces/jdbc/org/postgresql/jdbc2/
org.postgresql.jdbc2.CallableStatementshould be declared abstract; it does not define
registerOutParameter(java.lang.String,int)in org.postgresql.jdbc2.CallableStatement 
>     [javac] public class CallableStatement extends org.postgresql.jdbc2.PreparedStatement implements
>     [javac]        ^
>     [javac] /home/mprice/pg/postgresql-7.2.1/src/interfaces/jdbc/org/postgresql/jdbc2/
org.postgresql.jdbc2.Connectionshould be declared abstract; it does not define setHoldability(int) in
>     [javac] public class Connection extends org.postgresql.Connection implements java.sql.Connection
>     [javac]        ^
>     [javac] /home/mprice/pg/postgresql-7.2.1/src/interfaces/jdbc/org/postgresql/jdbc2/
org.postgresql.jdbc2.DatabaseMetaDatashould be declared abstract; it does not define supportsSavepoints() in
>     [javac] public class DatabaseMetaData implements java.sql.DatabaseMetaData
>     [javac]        ^
>     [javac] /home/mprice/pg/postgresql-7.2.1/src/interfaces/jdbc/org/postgresql/jdbc2/
org.postgresql.jdbc2.ResultSetshould be declared abstract; it does not define getURL(int) in
>     [javac] public class ResultSet extends org.postgresql.ResultSet implements java.sql.ResultSet
>     [javac]        ^
>     [javac] /home/mprice/pg/postgresql-7.2.1/src/interfaces/jdbc/org/postgresql/largeobject/
org.postgresql.largeobject.PGblobshould be declared abstract; it does not define setBytes(long,byte[]) in
>     [javac] public class PGblob implements java.sql.Blob
>     [javac]        ^
>     [javac] /home/mprice/pg/postgresql-7.2.1/src/interfaces/jdbc/org/postgresql/largeobject/
org.postgresql.largeobject.PGclobshould be declared abstract; it does not define setString(long,java.lang.String) in
>     [javac] public class PGclob implements java.sql.Clob
>     [javac]        ^
>     [javac] /home/mprice/pg/postgresql-7.2.1/src/interfaces/jdbc/org/postgresql/xa/
org.postgresql.xa.ClientConnectionshould be declared abstract; it does not define setHoldability(int) in
>     [javac] final class ClientConnection
>     [javac]       ^
>     [javac] Note: Some input files use or override a deprecated API.
>     [javac] Note: Recompile with -deprecation for details.
>     [javac] 9 errors
> /home/mprice/pg/postgresql-7.2.1/src/interfaces/jdbc/build.xml:72: Compile failed, messages should have been
> Total time: 9 seconds
> make: *** [all] Error 1
> mprice@cricket1:~/pg/postgresql-7.2.1/src/interfaces/jdbc$ exit
> Script done on Mon Apr 15 19:27:47 2002
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> ---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
> TIP 1: subscribe and unsubscribe commands go to

Re: j2sdk1.4.0 jdbc compile errors

Barry Lind

By new functionality I mean new methods introduced in the jdbc3 spec.
Java 1.4 implements the jdbc3 spec.  Our driver currently only supports
the jdbc1 and jdbc2 specs.  This is the reason the driver doesn't
compile under java 1.4 since the interfaces of jdbc3 have methods in
them that we don't implement yet.


Mark Price wrote:
>>The jdbc driver currently does not build under jdk1.4.  You will either
>>need to download a prebuilt jar, or build under jdk1.3.  Either way a
>>the driver build under 1.3 will run fine under 1.4 as long as you don't
>>try to use any of the new functionality available in 1.4.
> Hi, Barry
> Thank you for responding to my message.
> Would you mind elaborating about "new functionality?"  I.e. I presume that
> you refer only to new functionality in the classes that jdbc2 directly
> uses?
> Thanks,
> Mark Price
> P.S.  I removed myself from the list, so if you think this should be
> posted, perhaps you can forward it.

Re: j2sdk1.4.0 jdbc compile errors

Mark Price
> Mark,
> The jdbc driver currently does not build under jdk1.4.  You will either
> need to download a prebuilt jar, or build under jdk1.3.  Either way a
> the driver build under 1.3 will run fine under 1.4 as long as you don't
> try to use any of the new functionality available in 1.4.
> thanks,
> --Barry
Hi, Barry
Thank you for responding to my message.
Would you mind elaborating about "new functionality?"  I.e. I presume that
you refer only to new functionality in the classes that jdbc2 directly

Mark Price

P.S.  I removed myself from the list, so if you think this should be
posted, perhaps you can forward it.

Re: j2sdk1.4.0 jdbc compile errors

Mark Price
> Mark,
> By new functionality I mean new methods introduced in the jdbc3 spec.
> Java 1.4 implements the jdbc3 spec.  Our driver currently only supports
> the jdbc1 and jdbc2 specs.  This is the reason the driver doesn't
> compile under java 1.4 since the interfaces of jdbc3 have methods in
> them that we don't implement yet.
> thanks,
> --Barry
Thanks very much