Thread: ENC: Datatype time PostGreSql 7.2.1

ENC: Datatype time PostGreSql 7.2.1

Daniel Ferreira Felix

        I am brazilian and work with o database PostGreSql 7.1.3.
        I am upgrade PostGreSql 7.1.3 to 7.2.1 and find some bugs insert dataype time .

        Example :

                Create table teste( hour time);

                 \d teste
                                        Table "teste"
                         Column |          Type          | Modifiers
                        hour   | time without time zone |             

                Insert into teste values ('080000');
                ERROR:  Bad time external representation '080000'

                insert into teste values ('08:00:00');
                INSERT 19128 1

        This is a bug or new pattern ?
        The manuals show that it is possible insert with the format hhmmss.


Daniel Ferreira Felix
Analista de Sistemas
Tecnet Teleinformática Ltda
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