Thread: err: backend closed the channel unexpectedly

err: backend closed the channel unexpectedly

Ricardo Vaz Mannrich
I have a database with four tables (here named tab1, tab2, tab3 and

tab1 has 322556 rows,
tab2 has 334394,
tab3 has 2360079,
and hawb_extra has 472906.

hawb_extra is fulled by triggers on tab1, tab2 and tab2 using INSERTs and

I had an index on hawb_extra using data_col and locatual fields and when I
tried to run a query using these fields, PG didn't used index scan. So, I
dropped and tried to create again the index. See what I get. I tried a lot of
times. Thanks for your help:

flash=> \d hawb_extra
          Table "hawb_extra"
 Attribute |     Type      | Modifier
 codhawb   | character(14) | not null
 data      | date          |
 ciclo     | integer       |
 seq       | integer       |
 status    | character(3)  |
 locatual  | character(3)  |
 locatual2 | character(3)  |
 ect       | smallint      |
 entregue  | smallint      |
 devolvido | smallint      |
 extrav    | smallint      |
 databai   | date          |
 data_col  | date          |
 cliente   | character(9)  |
 contrato  | character(9)  |
 prodflash | character(6)  |
 tipo_bai  | character(3)  |
 ect_flag  | smallint      |
Indices: hawbe_datacol,

flash=> vacuum full verbose analyze hawb_extra;
NOTICE:  --Relation hawb_extra--
NOTICE:  Pages 7989: Changed 0, reaped 5612, Empty 0, New 0; Tup 472906: Vac
0, Keep/VTL 0/0, UnUsed 39650, MinLen 67, MaxLen 154; Re-using: Free/Avail.
Space 369128/225768; EndEmpty/Avail. Pages 0/2329.
        CPU 0.45s/0.06u sec elapsed 15.93 sec.
NOTICE:  Index hawbe_pkey: Pages 10511; Tuples 472906: Deleted 0.
        CPU 0.78s/0.47u sec elapsed 72.28 sec.
NOTICE:  Index hawbe_status: Pages 14296; Tuples 472906: Deleted 0.
        CPU 0.84s/0.56u sec elapsed 95.43 sec.
NOTICE:  Index hawbe_datacol: Pages 12131; Tuples 472906: Deleted 0.
        CPU 0.64s/0.39u sec elapsed 68.86 sec.
NOTICE:  Index hawbe_datacol_cliente: Pages 19996; Tuples 472906: Deleted 0.
        CPU 1.22s/0.40u sec elapsed 115.15 sec.
NOTICE:  Rel hawb_extra: Pages: 7989 --> 7989; Tuple(s) moved: 0.
        CPU 3.31s/0.64u sec elapsed 45.30 sec.
NOTICE:  Analyzing hawb_extra
flash=> CREATE INDEX hawbe_datacol_locatual ON hawb_extra (data_col,
pqReadData() -- backend closed the channel unexpectedly.
        This probably means the backend terminated abnormally
        before or while processing the request.
The connection to the server was lost. Attempting reset: Failed.

And this is the log output, using debug level 2:

DEBUG:  BackendStartup: forked pid=3579 socket=8
FATAL 1:  No pg_hba.conf entry for host localhost, user flash, database flash
DEBUG:  proc_exit(0)
DEBUG:  shmem_exit(0)
DEBUG:  exit(0)
DEBUG:  reaping dead processes
DEBUG:  child process (pid 3579) exited with exit code 0
DEBUG:  BackendStartup: forked pid=3581 socket=8
/var/lib/pgsql-7.2.0/bin/postmaster child[3581]: starting with (postgres -d2
-v131072 -p flash )
DEBUG:  InitPostgres
DEBUG:  StartTransactionCommand
DEBUG:  query: SELECT usesuper FROM pg_user WHERE usename = 'flash'
DEBUG:  ProcessQuery
DEBUG:  CommitTransactionCommand
DEBUG:  StartTransactionCommand
DEBUG:  query: CREATE INDEX hawbe_datacol_locatual ON hawb_extra (data_col,
DEBUG:  ProcessUtility: CREATE INDEX hawbe_datacol_locatual ON hawb_extra
(data_col, locatual);
DEBUG:  reaping dead processes
DEBUG:  child process (pid 3581) was terminated by signal 11
DEBUG:  server process (pid 3581) was terminated by signal 11
DEBUG:  terminating any other active server processes
DEBUG:  all server processes terminated; reinitializing shared memory and
DEBUG:  shmem_exit(0)
invoking IpcMemoryCreate(size=1073152)
DEBUG:  database system was interrupted at 2002-04-01 15:46:42 BRT
DEBUG:  checkpoint record is at 4C/F26427CC
DEBUG:  redo record is at 4C/F26427CC; undo record is at 0/0; shutdown TRUE
DEBUG:  next transaction id: 143404852; next oid: 39995986
DEBUG:  database system was not properly shut down; automatic recovery in
DEBUG:  BackendStartup: forked pid=3584 socket=8
DEBUG:  redo starts at 4C/F264280C
DEBUG:  ReadRecord: record with zero length at 4C/F2654C60
DEBUG:  redo done at 4C/F2652C08
FATAL 1:  The database system is starting up
DEBUG:  proc_exit(0)
DEBUG:  shmem_exit(0)
DEBUG:  exit(0)
DEBUG:  reaping dead processes
DEBUG:  child process (pid 3584) exited with exit code 0
DEBUG:  database system is ready
DEBUG:  proc_exit(0)
DEBUG:  shmem_exit(0)
DEBUG:  exit(0)
DEBUG:  reaping dead processes
DEBUG:  BackendStartup: forked pid=3589 socket=8

Ricardo Vaz Mannrich
Comunidade GNU/Linux do Brasil -
Linux user: #158685

Re: err: backend closed the channel unexpectedly

Stephan Szabo
On Mon, 1 Apr 2002, Ricardo Vaz Mannrich wrote:

> I have a database with four tables (here named tab1, tab2, tab3 and
> hawb_extra).
> tab1 has 322556 rows,
> tab2 has 334394,
> tab3 has 2360079,
> and hawb_extra has 472906.
> hawb_extra is fulled by triggers on tab1, tab2 and tab2 using INSERTs and
> I had an index on hawb_extra using data_col and locatual fields and when I
> tried to run a query using these fields, PG didn't used index scan. So, I
> dropped and tried to create again the index. See what I get. I tried a lot of
> times. Thanks for your help:

It'd probably be helpful to get a backtrace from the core this should have
produced in your database directory (if it didn't produce a core, you may
need to change your user limits to get one).