Thread: substring indices / array operators

substring indices / array operators

Steve Atkins
A few questions, hopefully fairly simple for someone here.

1) If I have a large (1e7+ rows) table indexed on a wide varchar field
   a complete copy of that varchar field will be included in the index.
   That makes the index file ridiculously large and, presumably, slow.

   I'm mostly searching for exact matches and occasionally prefix
   matches (like 'mumblefoo%') on the wide text field. I could use
   a functional index to record just the first 10 characters
   of the text field in the index, and use some odd select statements
   to use the index
   ("create index tab_idx on tab (mysubstr10(word))"
    "select * from tab where mysubstr10(word)='abcdefghij' and word
     like 'abcdefghijkl%'")

   Is there any smarter way to setup an index to handle this

2) Are there any array operators or functions in the postgresql kernel
   other than array_dims(), equality and the slice operator?
   (I'm trying to do an UPDATE where I append an array onto the
    already existing array)
