Thread: Can't upgrade from 7.0 to 7.1. Script failure.

Can't upgrade from 7.0 to 7.1. Script failure.

Antonio Gennarini

I just updated from versione 7.0.3-8 to 7.1.3-2 on my RH7.1. When I tried to '/etc/rc.d/init/postgres start' I got the
warningthat the DB format belonged to a old version and so I had to updated the data. So I read the
/usr/share/doc/postgresql-7.1.3/README.rpm-distand followed all the steps in the UPDATE section. However as I ran the
'postgresql-dump-t /var/lib/pgsql/backup/db.bak -p /var/lib/pgsql/backup/old -d' command I got the message telling me

[root@gaia backup]# su postgres
bash-2.04$ postgresql-dump -t /var/lib/pgsql/backup/db.bak -p /var/lib/pgsql/backup/old -d
/usr/bin/postgresql-dump: [: /var/lib/pgsql/backup/db.bak: unary operator expected
/usr/bin/postgresql-dump: [: /var/lib/pgsql/backup: unary operator expected
/usr/bin/postgresql-dump: [: /var/lib/pgsql: unary operator expected
/usr/bin/postgresql-dump: [: /var/lib: unary operator expected
/usr/bin/postgresql-dump: [: /var: unary operator expected
The PostgreSQL database format has not changed; there is
no need to do a dump and restore with this script.
ASCII dump file /var/lib/pgsql/backup/db.bak does not exist.

However when I try launching the postmaster I still get the message:

[root@gaia backup]# /etc/rc.d/init.d/postgresql start

An old version of the database format was found.
You need to upgrade the data format before using PostgreSQL.
See /usr/share/doc/postgresql-7.1.3/README.rpm-dist for more information.
[root@gaia backup]#

Can someone please help me out with this problem.

                 Antonio Gennarini
                Crecchio, CH - ITALY
Earth Science student at University "G. D'Annunzio".
     Join th GNU generation, start from LINUX.