Thread: SQL logic

SQL logic

"Johnson, Shaunn"


I need help with SQL logic.  I'm trying to match
one field (the sequential number I created) from a
table where the number matches the row it's
assigned to.

For example:

[table 1]

database=> \d bp_disease
              Table "bp_disease"
   Attribute   |       Type        | Modifier
 bp_disease_id | integer           |
 bp_dis_label  | character varying |

database=> select * from bp_disease limit 1;
 bp_disease_id | bp_dis_label
             1 | Asthma

[/table 1]

[table 2]

database=> \d sys_disease
                                   Table "sys_disease"
 Attribute |       Type        |                         Modifier
 disease   | character(2)      |
 dtype     | character(1)      |
 dlabel    | character varying |
 dorder    | integer           | not null default nextval('sys_disease_dorder_seq'::text)

database=> select * from sys_disease limit 1;
 disease | dtype | dlabel | dorder
 AS      | D     | Asthma |      1

[/table 2]

My end goal is to select 'bp_disease_id' from the first table
where it matches the column 'disease'.  The only thing that
they have in common is the 'dorder' column.

How would I write that in SQL?

