Hello, I am new to postgresql and new to this list so please excuse any obvious blunders. I am currently trying to convert an ingres database into a postgres database. While trying to implement a procedure I have come across the two following problems. 1. In Ingres I can check if the ingres superuser is the current userby using WHERE dbmsinfo('username') = dbmsinfo('dba') I can't find out how to do the equivalent in postgres. Can anyone help? The special function current_user will give me the current user but I can't find a function to give me the postgresql superuser (typically 'postgres'). I tried getpgusername() but it returns the current user. 2. I want to run 2 procedures from a single trigger. However, I believe that only one is permitted. Therefore the trigger needs to execute a procedure which in turn executes the 2 procedures. When I implement this and then attempt to insert a line into the table I get the following psql:ex.junk:91: NOTICE: FUNCTION BOTH - start psql:ex.junk:91: ERROR: parser: parse error at or near "f_one" How can I get this to work? eg. CREATE FUNCTION f_one() RETURNS OPAQUE AS ' DECLARE BEGIN RAISE NOTICE ''FUNCTION 1''; IF TG_OP = ''DELETE'' THEN RETURN OLD; ELSE RETURN NEW; -- for UPDATE and INSERT operations END IF; END; ' LANGUAGE 'plpgsql'; CREATE FUNCTION f_both() RETURNS OPAQUE AS ' DECLARE BEGIN RAISE NOTICE ''FUNCTION BOTH - start ''; EXECUTE PROCEDURE f_one(); RAISE NOTICE ''FUNCTION BOTH -done''; IF TG_OP = ''DELETE'' THEN RETURN OLD; ELSE RETURN NEW; -- for UPDATE and INSERT operations END IF; END; ' LANGUAGE 'plpgsql'; CREATE TRIGGER t_personnel_udi BEFORE INSERT OR UPDATE OR DELETE ON personnel FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE f_both(); Many Thanks Maggie
On Thu, Jan 17, 2002 at 06:59:18PM +0000, M.L.Bowman wrote: > In Ingres I can check if the ingres superuser is the current userby using > > WHERE dbmsinfo('username') = dbmsinfo('dba') > > I can't find out how to do the equivalent in postgres. Can anyone help? WHERE current_user=pg_get_userbyid(1) > EXECUTE PROCEDURE f_one(); PERFORM f_one(); Good luck ! -- Holger Krug
At 06:59 PM 1/17/02 +0000, M.L.Bowman wrote: > In Ingres I can check if the ingres superuser is the current userby using > WHERE dbmsinfo('username') = dbmsinfo('dba') > I can't find out how to do the equivalent in postgres. Can anyone help? fbax=# select usename,usesuper from pg_user where usename = current_user; usename | usesuper ---------+---------- fbax | t (1 row)