Thread: Re: [ADMIN] Monitoring database

Re: [ADMIN] Monitoring database

"Tim Barnard"
I don't think there is currently a way to check the database for connections (someone correct me if I'm wrong). But to get a list of all of the tables in template1:
\c template1
select relname from pg_class
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Wednesday, January 09, 2002 3:31 AM
Subject: [ADMIN] Monitoring database

Hello everybody.
Is there any way to check database status, or who is currently connected to it.
I tried to drop database and got an error saying that other users using this database.
So I wanted to see who is connected right now to the database.

One more question is how can I see all tables in the template1 ?
Thanks allot.

 Roman Gavrilov                           
 Aduva Inc., Web Development Services.    
 work +972-3-7534324 mobile +972-54-834668,