Thread: Help with Toast.

Help with Toast.

"Alexis Maldonado"
 I need help..

  I dont know how to use Toast..
  i have created an email client that i built from scratch in cold fusion
  that works with all mayor databases (access,mssql,oracle, and mysql).
  i am currently trying to port it to postgresql..
  everything works EXEPT.. when i try to insert a record
  that hase a huge message text. i get a Query too large error message..
  the "message" field is text type.

  is toast atomatic? should it be working as soon as i set up any table with
  text type of field or is it a different field type..??..

  i've been looking for help everywhere on the net but i couldnt
  find a howto on how to use Toast..
  i am using Postgresql 7.1 and i know it has toast but i dont have an idea
  how to make it work at all..

  HEEELP.. :(
