Thread: multiple hard disk

multiple hard disk

Luis Amigo
Is there any way (excluding RAID) to split a database information
between multiple hard disks?
Thanks in advance

Re: multiple hard disk

"Bryan White"
> Is there any way (excluding RAID) to split a database information
> between multiple hard disks?

I think you can selectively move table/index files to another location and
create symbolic links from the original location.  The postmaster must be
stopped while you are doing this.

Keep in mind that Postgres will create separate files for each 1GB of a
table.  So if your table grows substantually after you set this up, new
segment files may have been created, thus partially undoing the effect you
were trying to achieve.

Re: multiple hard disk

Francisco Reyes
On Wed, 14 Nov 2001, Bryan White wrote:

> I think you can selectively move table/index files to another location and
> create symbolic links from the original location.  The postmaster must be
> stopped while you are doing this.

How can one tell the location of a table/index?
In my "data/base" directory all I see is directories with numerical names.
Inside of of those directories there are files, also with numerical names.
The only two files which are not numbers are PG_VERSION and