Thread: LIKE predicate and '\' character

LIKE predicate and '\' character

"Andy Hallam"
PostgreSQL - 7.1.3  (installed on Linux 2.4.2-2)
PSQLODBC.DLL - 07.01.0007
Visual C++ - 6.0

I sent a previous mail with regard to using the '\' (backslash) character in
an SQL SELECT statement.
The outcome was that postgres does not escape the '\' itself - I need to do
it myself before submitting the SQL - fair enough, I now do this.

instead of
    mydb=# SELECT * FROM users WHERE id = 'WORKGROUP\me';
I now do
    mydb=# SELECT * FROM users WHERE id = 'WORKGROUP\\me';

BUT, if I use the LIKE predicate I have to escape the escape.

    mydb=# SELECT * FROM users WHERE id LIKE 'WORKGROUP\\\\me';

Now this must be treated as a bug.
As you can see it is not an error with the PSQLODBC driver as I ran the SQL
from the command line with the same results.
I am presuming that the backend parsing logic around the LIKE prodicate is
ignoring the '\'.

Is anyone working on this ?. Can anyone send me a fix, as without this I'm

Thanks for any help
