Thread: variables in functions ..

variables in functions ..

Peter Pilsl
I need a query like

select column,x from table where .... order by ...;

where x should return 0 for the first shown entry, 10 for the second,
20 for the third and so on. Is there a way to create a function doing
this (it needs a memory or needs to have access to some internal

However, this is not the realworld-example. The original task is:
select 6 values out of 10 tables trought sorting each table internal
according to a 'ranking'-functions and then choose the highest 6, but
as soon as entry from one table is choosen, the others should be
ranked down by 10, so two entries from the same table will only be
choosen if all other entried are ranked very bad ...

I wonder if there is a fast SQL-operation to do so or if I'm faster
off by doing it in C or perl outside. This problem reduces to the
above question...


mag. peter pilsl

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