Thread: Re: Upgrade to 7.1 via RPM

Re: Upgrade to 7.1 via RPM

Alessio Bragadini
Paul Grenda wrote:

> Tried devel with -U OK, then server with -U but
> got message:
> "file /usr/bin/pg_id from install of postgresql-server-7.1.2-4PGDG conflicts
> with file from package postgresql-7.0.2-17"
> My questions are why do I get this conflict and should I use --force to
> overcome the error.

The PGDG (PostgreSQL Dev Group) RPM set for 7.1 is organized differently
from the RedHat set for 7.0. But one thing that seems you're missing is
the option to put more than one rpm file on the command line, avoiding
problems with the order of operation.

rpm -Fvh postgresql*7.1.2*rpm

-F (Freshen) rather than -U updates only packages that are already

Hope it helps.

Alessio F. Bragadini
APL Financial Services
Nicosia, Cyprus             phone: +357-2-755750

"It is more complicated than you think"
        -- The Eighth Networking Truth from RFC 1925

Re: Re: Upgrade to 7.1 via RPM

Lamar Owen
On Monday 06 August 2001 08:04, Alessio Bragadini wrote:
> The PGDG (PostgreSQL Dev Group) RPM set for 7.1 is organized differently
> from the RedHat set for 7.0. But one thing that seems you're missing is
> the option to put more than one rpm file on the command line, avoiding
> problems with the order of operation.

> Try:
> rpm -Fvh postgresql*7.1.2*rpm

No.  You also need the postgresql-libs rpm, which didn't exist in the 7.0.x
set.  Thus, you need to list all of them that are currently installed PLUS
the -libs RPM -- but yes, they need to all be on one line or you _will_ get
failed dependencies.
Lamar Owen
WGCR Internet Radio
1 Peter 4:11