
"Kapil Tilwani"
How difficult is it to connect to the database using C or FoxPro...  How difficult is it to connect in DOS through C or FoxPro


"Mitch Vincent"
With DOS, (MS-DOS I assume) it probably isn't that easy as you'd have to
have ODBC (probably not available) or a TCP/IP stack (available, though I
don't know how well they work).. Getting PG to compile/run under MS-DOS is
an unknown to me as well...

As far as programmatically speaking, with C it's rather easy (See the PG
manual for some nice examples). For FoxPro I don't have any idea if it's
even possible..

Good luck..


----- Original Message -----
From: "Kapil Tilwani" <>
To: <>
Sent: Monday, July 30, 2001 10:30 AM
Subject: [GENERAL]

How difficult is it to connect to the database using C or FoxPro...  How
difficult is it to connect in DOS through C or FoxPro