Thread: Compilation of contrib of postgresql 7.1.2 with cygwin 1.3.2

Compilation of contrib of postgresql 7.1.2 with cygwin 1.3.2

> Hi
> I have a problem with the compilation of array contrib in postgresql with
> cygwin 1.3.2
> some reference like pg_detoast_datum are undefined !
gcc -O2 -Wall -Wmissing-prototypes -Wmissing-declarations  -I.
-I../../src/include -I/usr/local/include  -c -o array_iterator.o
dlltool --export-all --output-def array_iterator.def array_iterator.o
dllwrap -o array_iterator.dll --def array_iterator.def array_iterator.o
../../src/utils/dllinit.o -lcygipc -lcrypt
array_iterator.o(.text+0x49):array_iterator.c: undefined reference to
array_iterator.o(.text+0x5b):array_iterator.c: undefined reference to
array_iterator.o(.text+0x7f):array_iterator.c: undefined reference to
array_iterator.o(.text+0x8c):array_iterator.c: undefined reference to
array_iterator.o(.text+0xa9):array_iterator.c: undefined reference to `elog'
array_iterator.o(.text+0x116):array_iterator.c: undefined reference to
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
dllwrap: gcc exited with status 1
make: *** [array_iterator.dll] Error 1
rm array_iterator.o

> No problem with postrgresql itself. I use the last version of cygwin at
> this time.
> Thanks in advance
> best regards
> Michel BELLON
> LCIE - Informatique appliquée
> 33 (0)1 40 95 60 35

Re: Compilation of contrib of postgresql 7.1.2 with cygwin 1.3.2

Tom Lane
BELLON Michel <> writes:
> array_iterator.o(.text+0x49):array_iterator.c: undefined reference to
> `pg_detoast_datum'
> array_iterator.o(.text+0x5b):array_iterator.c: undefined reference to
> `ArrayGetNItems'
> array_iterator.o(.text+0x7f):array_iterator.c: undefined reference to
> `get_typlenbyval'
> array_iterator.o(.text+0x8c):array_iterator.c: undefined reference to
> `fmgr_info'
> array_iterator.o(.text+0xa9):array_iterator.c: undefined reference to `elog'
> array_iterator.o(.text+0x116):array_iterator.c: undefined reference to
> `FunctionCall2'

Looks to me like you are compiling 7.1 contrib sources against pre-7.1
include files; most of those missing functions are new in 7.1.  Check
the include paths.

            regards, tom lane