Thread: outer join fails with error - solaris only

outer join fails with error - solaris only

The following query gives an error when run on solaris 2.7, but it works
fine with an equivalent configuration on rh 6.2.

    select tr.transition_key,
    from   wf_transition_info tr
             left outer join
           wf_context_assignments ca
             on (tr.context_key = ca.context_key and
                  tr.transition_key = ca.transition_key)
    where  tr.workflow_key = 'expenses_wf'
      and  tr.context_key = 'default'
      and  tr.trigger_type = 'user'
      and  tr.assignment_callback is null;


psql:tst.sql:210: ERROR:  RIGHT JOIN is only supported with mergejoinable join conditions
acspg=# select version();
 PostgreSQL 7.1 on sparc-sun-solaris2.7, compiled by GCC
(1 row)


The following code can be used to reproduce the error:

drop table wf_workflows;
create table wf_workflows (
  workflow_key          varchar(100)
                        constraint wf_workflows_pk
                        primary key,
  description           text

drop table wf_contexts;
create table wf_contexts (
  context_key            varchar(100)
            constraint wf_context_pk
            primary key,
  context_name        varchar(100)
            constraint wf_contexts_context_name_nn
                not null
            constraint wf_contexts_context_name_un

drop table wf_transitions;
create table wf_transitions (
  transition_key        varchar(100),
  transition_name       varchar(100)
                        constraint wf_transition_name_nn
                        not null,
  workflow_key          varchar(100)
                        constraint wf_transition_workflow_fk
                        references wf_workflows(workflow_key)
            on delete cascade,
  -- purely for UI purposes
  sort_order            integer
                        constraint wf_transition_order_ck
                        check (sort_order > 0),
  trigger_type          varchar(40)
            constraint wf_transition_trigger_type_ck
            check (trigger_type in
  constraint wf_transition_pk
  primary key (workflow_key, transition_key),
  constraint wf_trans_wf_key_trans_name_un
  unique (workflow_key, transition_name)

drop table wf_context_transition_info;
create table wf_context_transition_info (
  context_key                  varchar(100)
                  constraint wf_context_trans_context_fk
                  references wf_contexts,
  workflow_key                varchar(100)
                  constraint wf_context_trans_workflow_fk
                  references wf_workflows,
  transition_key              varchar(100),
  /* information for the transition in the context */
  /* The integer of minutes this task is estimated to take */
  estimated_minutes        integer,
   * Will be called when the transition is enabled/fired.
   * signature: (case_id in integer, transition_key in varchar, custom_arg in varchar2)
  enable_callback             varchar(100),
  enable_custom_arg           text,
  fire_callback               varchar(100),
  fire_custom_arg             text,
   * Must insert rows into the wf_task_assignments table.
   * Will be called when the transition becomes enabled
   * signature: (task_id in integer, custom_arg in varchar)
  assignment_callback         varchar(100),
  assignment_custom_arg       text,
   * Must return the date that the timed transition should fire
   * Will be called when the transition is enabled
   * signature: (case_id in integer, transition_key in varchar, custom_arg in varchar2) return date
  time_callback               varchar(100),
  time_custom_arg             text,
   * Returns the deadline for this task.
   * Will be called when the transition becomes enabled
   * Signature: (case_id in integer, transition_key in varchar, custom_arg in varchar2) return date
  deadline_callback           varchar(100),
  deadline_custom_arg         text,
  /* The name of an attribute that holds the deadline */
  deadline_attribute_name          varchar(100),
   * Must return the date that the user's hold on the task times out.
   * called when the user starts the task.
   * signature: (case_id in integer, transition_key in varchar, custom_arg in varchar2) return date
  hold_timeout_callback       varchar(100),
  hold_timeout_custom_arg     text,
   * Notification callback
   * Will be called when a notification is sent i.e., when a transition is enabled,
   * or assignment changes.
   * signature: (task_id     in integer,
   *             custom_arg     in varchar,
   *             party_to     in integer,
   *             party_from     in out integer,
   *             subject     in out varchar,
   *             body         in out varchar)
  notification_callback        varchar(100),
  notification_custom_arg    text,
   * Unassigned callback
   * Will be called whenever a task becomes unassigned
   * Signature: (case_id in integer, transition_key in varchar, custom_arg in varchar2)
  unassigned_callback       varchar(100),
  unassigned_custom_arg     text,
  /* name of the privilege we should check before allowing access
   * to task information.
  access_privilege          text,
  /* table constraints */
  constraint wf_context_trans_trans_fk
  foreign key (workflow_key, transition_key) references wf_transitions(workflow_key, transition_key)
  on delete cascade,
  constraint wf_context_transition_pk
  primary key (context_key, workflow_key, transition_key)

drop table wf_context_assignments;
create table wf_context_assignments (
  context_key                  varchar(100)
                  constraint wf_context_assign_context_fk
                  references wf_contexts(context_key)
                on delete cascade,
  workflow_key                varchar(100)
                  constraint wf_context_assign_workflow_fk
                  references wf_workflows(workflow_key)
                on delete cascade,
  transition_key              varchar(100),
  party_id            integer,
  /* table constraints */
  constraint wf_context_assign_trans_fk
  foreign key (workflow_key, transition_key) references wf_transitions(workflow_key, transition_key)
  on delete cascade,
  constraint wf_context_assign_pk
  primary key (context_key, workflow_key, transition_key, party_id)

drop view wf_transition_contexts;

create view wf_transition_contexts as
select t.transition_key,
from   wf_transitions t, wf_contexts c;

drop view wf_transition_info;
create view wf_transition_info as
select t.transition_key,
from   wf_transition_contexts t LEFT OUTER JOIN wf_context_transition_info ct
on    (ct.workflow_key = t.workflow_key and
       ct.transition_key = t.transition_key and
       ct.context_key = t.context_key);


Dan Wickstrom

Re: outer join fails with error - solaris only

Tom Lane
Date: writes:
> The following query gives an error when run on solaris 2.7, but it works
> fine with an equivalent configuration on rh 6.2.

It probably has nothing to do with the platform, but rather with when
you last ran VACUUM ANALYZE and what the exact contents of the database
were at the time.  Does the problem become reproducible on both
platforms if you do
    SET enable_hashjoin TO off;
    SET enable_nestloop TO off;

> ERROR:  RIGHT JOIN is only supported with mergejoinable join conditions

I believe this is fixed in 7.1.1 --- sounds like the same bug as

2001-04-14 20:48  tgl

    * src/backend/optimizer/path/joinpath.c: Prevent generation of
    invalid plans for RIGHT or FULL joins with multiple join clauses.
    The mergejoin executor wants all the join clauses to appear as
    merge quals, not as extra joinquals, for these kinds of joins.    But
    the planner would consider plans in which partially-sorted input
    paths were used, leading to only some of the join clauses becoming
    merge quals.  This is fine for inner/left joins, not fine for
    right/full joins.

            regards, tom lane

Re: outer join fails with error - solaris only

Daniel Wickstrom
>>>>> "Tom" == Tom Lane <> writes:

    Tom> writes:
    >> The following query gives an error when run on solaris 2.7, but
    >> it works fine with an equivalent configuration on rh 6.2.

    Tom> It probably has nothing to do with the platform, but rather
    Tom> with when you last ran VACUUM ANALYZE and what the exact
    Tom> contents of the database were at the time.  Does the problem
    Tom> become reproducible on both platforms if you do SET
    Tom> enable_hashjoin TO off; SET enable_nestloop TO off;

I don't vacuum analyze either of these machines, since I'm doing development
now and the db's only have test data in them.

Doing a vacuum analyze and setting enable_hashjoin, enable_nestloop to
off had no effect on solaris.  I'll have to wait until I get home
tonight to try the linux box.

    >> ERROR: RIGHT JOIN is only supported with mergejoinable join
    >> conditions

    Tom> I believe this is fixed in 7.1.1 --- sounds like the same bug
    Tom> as

I'll try upgrading.


Re: outer join fails with error - solaris only

Daniel Wickstrom
>>>>> "Tom" == Tom Lane <> writes:

    Tom> I believe this is fixed in 7.1.1 --- sounds like the same bug
    Tom> as

Upgrading to 7.1.1 fixed the problem.

