Thread: how to see rules

how to see rules

Martín Marqués
I have a par of views and some rules that work with them. How can I see which
rules I have on a database (psql)?

Saludos... :-)

El mejor sistema operativo es aquel que te da de comer.
Cuida tu dieta.
Martin Marques                  |
Programador, Administrador      |       Centro de Telematica
                       Universidad Nacional
                            del Litoral

Re: how to see rules

Tom Lane
=?iso-8859-1?q?Mart=EDn=20Marqu=E9s?= <> writes:
> I have a par of views and some rules that work with them. How can I
> see which rules I have on a database (psql)?

select * from pg_rules;

            regards, tom lane