Thread: personel appliactions?
I have been suing PostgreSQL quite happily in projects for several years now. Now, I am thinking about actually using the computers at home for something useful (what a concept :-)). So, I was wandering if anyone knows wehre I could find a few small applicationsUsing PostgreSQL as abckaends? I'm looking for. 1. CD/Music lirary management. 2. Library (books) management. 3. Household inventory/shoping list applications. 4. Calorie intake application. Any sugestions? -- Stan Brown 843-745-3154 Charleston SC. -- Windows 98: n. useless extension to a minor patch release for 32-bit extensions and a graphical shell for a 16-bit patch to an 8-bit operating system originally coded for a 4-bit microprocessor, written by a 2-bit company that can't stand for 1 bit of competition. - (c) 2000 Stan Brown. Redistribution via the Microsoft Network is prohibited.
On Tue, 10 Apr 2001, Stan Brown wrote: > I have been suing PostgreSQL quite happily in projects for several years > now. > > Now, I am thinking about actually using the computers at home for something > useful (what a concept :-)). > > So, I was wandering if anyone knows wehre I could find a few small > applicationsUsing PostgreSQL as abckaends? I'm looking for. > > 1. CD/Music lirary management. > 2. Library (books) management. > 3. Household inventory/shoping list applications. > 4. Calorie intake application. Check; apps like this would be posted there. You may find some apps w/only a MySQL version; if so, consider doing the translation to PostgreSQL -- in most cases, little/no change in code is neccessary (especially if the author is using Perl or Python, which tend to have more abstracted DB interfaces than PHP); usually all that's needed is just to edit the SQL statements to create/select/etc. from the schema. If there is a calorie intake application, please don't tell me about it ;-) Good luck! -- Joel Burton <> Director of Information Systems, Support Center of Washington
On Tue, Apr 10, 2001 at 01:42:13PM -0400, Stan Brown wrote: > I have been suing PostgreSQL quite happily in projects for > several years now. i have the smae porbelm -- you might wnat to solw down wehn you tyep your email msesaegs. Suing is quite different from Using. :) -- americans should never read anything so subversive as what's at -- we need your brain! -- your brain needs us!
Stan Brown wrote: > So, I was wandering if anyone knows wehre I could find a few small > applicationsUsing PostgreSQL as abckaends? I'm looking for. > > 1. CD/Music lirary management. gmmusic <> -- Alessio F. Bragadini APL Financial Services Nicosia, Cyprus phone: +357-2-755750 "It is more complicated than you think" -- The Eighth Networking Truth from RFC 1925