Thread: FW: Re: Windows install

FW: Re: Windows install

"charlie derr"

It seems that the cygwin stuff comes with this install (I already had cygwin
configured on my machine, but this install created another one, with all the
details taken care of).

The install went fine.  Then i entered the cygwin shell (that had been
installed with postgreSQL) and did "su postgres"   and then "mkdir
/usr/bin/data" and then "initdb --pgdata /usr/bin/data"  which seemed to
work fine.  Starting the postmaster didn't however:

bash-2.04$ su postgres
$ /usr/bin/pg_ctl -D /usr/bin/data start
postmaster successfully started up.
$ IpcMemoryCreate: shmget failed (Permission denied) key=5432010, size=144,
This type of error is usually caused by an improper
shared memory or System V IPC semaphore configuration.
For more information, see the FAQ and platform-specific
FAQ's in the source directory pgsql/doc or on our
web site at
IpcMemoryIdGet: shmget failed (Permission denied) key=5432010, size=144,
IpcMemoryAttach: shmat failed (Permission denied) id=-2
FATAL 1:  AttachSLockMemory: could not attach segment

I'm on WinNT 4.0 with service pack 6.  Any ideas?

    thanx much for your time,

+-----Original Message-----
+[]On Behalf Of Steve Jorgensen
+Sent: Wednesday, April 04, 2001 6:55 PM
+Subject: [GENERAL] Re: Windows install
+Thanks for the pointer.  Does this isntall require Cygwin and Cygipc
+to be installed first, or does it handle all that?
+On Wed, 04 Apr 2001 16:41:00 +0200, Antonio Da Silva
+<> wrote:
+>If you want an install version of PostGres
+>look @
+>Steve Jorgensen wrote:
+>> I'm working with a group of people who need to use PostgreSQL on
+>> Windows, but are not yet knowledgeable hackers.  I am also in this
+>> category.
+>> I need to be able to install a reasonably recent version of PostgreSQL
+>> on Windows NT or Windows 2K, and I need to be able to create a list of
+>> step-by-step instructions for the other group members on how to do the
+>> same.
+>> All the instructions I have found so far take you just so far, then
+>> say now just proceed as normal.  What's normal?  Also, I should assume
+>> most people will be using the Cygwin tools, not VC++, though I'd like
+>> to be able to send out binaries and not have everyone have to worry
+>> about compiling at all.
+>> I found a binary package of 7.0 for Windows NT, but the Docs for
+>> Windows seem to be only how to compile and install one library dll.
+>> Since i have a binary package, I hope I don't need to compile, but in
+>> any case, I still don't know how to install.
+>> Thanks in advance for any help.
+> -
+---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
+TIP 4: Don't 'kill -9' the postmaster