Thread: regress test errors

regress test errors

I have installed all 10 postgresql-7.0.3-2 rpm's.  AFAICT, they have
installed fine.  Doing the regression test, I got many errors.  Most of
these are not mentioned by the regress "README" file as intentional,
platform, or known.  I'm hoping that the README is deficient vis-a-vis

I would be interested in opinions of the errors by the pg guru's that
frequent this ng.

Below is a 'grep ERROR' on the 'regression.diffs' file:

+ ERROR:  TypeCreate: function 'widget_in(opaque)' does not exist
+ ERROR:  CreateTrigger: function check_primary_key() does not exist
+ ERROR:  CreateTrigger: function check_primary_key() does not exist
+ ERROR:  CreateTrigger: function check_primary_key() does not exist
+ ERROR:  CreateTrigger: function check_foreign_key() does not exist
- ERROR:  check_fkeys2_pkey_exist: tuple references non-existing key in
- ERROR:  check_fkeys_pkey_exist: tuple references non-existing key in
- ERROR:  check_fkeys_pkey2_exist: tuple references non-existing key in
- ERROR:  check_fkeys2_fkey_restrict: tuple referenced in fkeys
- ERROR:  check_fkeys2_fkey_restrict: tuple referenced in fkeys
+ ERROR:  CreateTrigger: function check_foreign_key() does not exist
! ERROR:  Cannot insert a duplicate key into unique index pkeys_i
+ ERROR:  CreateTrigger: function ttdummy() does not exist
+ ERROR:  CreateTrigger: function autoinc() does not exist
- ERROR:  ttdummy (tttest): you can't change price_on and/or price_off
columns (use set_ttdummy)
! ERROR:  Function 'set_ttdummy(int4)' does not exist
! ERROR:  Function 'set_ttdummy(int4)' does not exist
! ERROR:  Function 'set_ttdummy(int4)' does not exist
+ ERROR:  OperatorGet: right type 'widget' nonexistent
+ ERROR:  Function 'interpt_pp(path, path)' does not exist
! ERROR:  floating point exception! The last floating point operation
either exceeded legal ranges or was a divide by zero
! ERROR:  Relation 'iexit' does not exist
+ ERROR:  Relation 'tmp' already exists
  ERROR:  Relation 'tmp' does not have attribute 'k'
  ERROR:  Relation 'tmp' does not have attribute 'k'

Additional errors are similiar to:

   expected:   !             |                456.000
   result:     !             | $              456.000

   the diff being the '$', which I hope to be inconsequential.

I'd appreciate opinions to whether my pg install on RH6.1 is messed up.

Thank you.

                            - Martin J. Brown, Jr. -
                            - -

    PGP Public Key ID: 0xCED9BD8A  Key Server:

Re: regress test errors

Tom Lane
<> writes:
> Additional errors are similiar to:
>    expected:   !             |                456.000
>    result:     !             | $              456.000
>    the diff being the '$', which I hope to be inconsequential.

That indicates a locale problem --- the regress tests expect to run in C

The other errors you show could be results of being careless with the
postmaster's locale --- in 7.0 and before, it's critical that the
postmaster always be started with the same locale settings that initdb

            regards, tom lane