Thread: What is the best way to select all user defined field names in a table?

What is the best way to select all user defined field names in a table?

"Yasuo Ohgaki"
I'm wandering what is the best way to get all user fields from a table using

With following SQL, I get extra field names that is not defined by user.
cmin, etc)

select a.attname from pg_class as c, pg_attribute as a where c.oid =
a.attrelid and c.relname = 'table_name';

It seems pg_attribute does not have flag to distinguish user defined fields.
(Is it?)
An option is excluding all system fields in where clause one by one, but I
thought there might be a better way to do that. (I searched recent mail list
archive, couldn't find one)


Yasuo Ohgaki

Re: What is the best way to select all user defined field names in a table?

Tom Lane
"Yasuo Ohgaki" <> writes:
> It seems pg_attribute does not have flag to distinguish user defined fields.

attnum > 0 indicates a user field.

            regards, tom lane