Thread: PostgreSQL packages for Debian potato

PostgreSQL packages for Debian potato

Alessio Bragadini
We have a number of client machines running Debian Linux, "potato"
release (i.e. 2.2, latest stable). The provided PostgreSQL is release
6.5.3, but I managed to track changes in unstable ("woody") until 7.0.2,
as long as packages were built using an older glibc. Now, unstable
packages (of 7.0.3) are linked against a newer one and using them means
upgrading the whole system, or building from source, or breaking
dependencies, etc., all steps that I am not willing to take.

Sorry for this long dissertation about the Debian world-of-packages,
this is to explain why there aren't anymore, to my knowledge, .deb
packages easily installable on potato and I preciously keep a number of
packages knowing that I have no easy way to reobtain them. But I am
missing ecpg and I cannot install the one provided by Debian since it
carries a huge set of unsatisfied dependencies.

Q1: is there anyone out there with a ecpg_7.0.2-X_i386.deb available?
Q2: are there anywhere Debian potato packages of recent releases?


Alessio F. Bragadini
APL Financial Services
Nicosia, Cyprus             phone: +357-2-755750

"It is more complicated than you think"
        -- The Eighth Networking Truth from RFC 1925

Re: PostgreSQL packages for Debian potato

Doug McNaught
Alessio Bragadini <> writes:

> Q1: is there anyone out there with a ecpg_7.0.2-X_i386.deb available?
> Q2: are there anywhere Debian potato packages of recent releases?

What's wrong with getting the source debs for 7.0.x and building them
on your Potato system?


Re: PostgreSQL packages for Debian potato

From (J.H.M. Dassen (Ray))
Alessio Bragadini <> wrote:
>We have a number of client machines running Debian Linux, "potato"
>release (i.e. 2.2, latest stable). The provided PostgreSQL is release
>6.5.3, but I managed to track changes in unstable ("woody") until 7.0.2,

I'd recommend against using "unstable" for client machines. If you need
something more up to date that "stable", use "testing" (although AFAIK it
doesn't have 7.0.x yet).

>as long as packages were built using an older glibc. Now, unstable packages
>(of 7.0.3) are linked against a newer one and using them means upgrading
>the whole system, or building from source, or breaking dependencies, etc.,
>all steps that I am not willing to take.

Rebuilding from source is a fairly straightforward process. I've done it to
get debs to use on some of our servers that run "stable".

>Q2: are there anywhere Debian potato packages of recent releases?

See .

Ziff Davis is so obviously biased to Microsoft in almost everything they
publish, that they might as well change their company name to MS-PRAVDA.
    Darryl Householder commenting on extreme PC Week FUD

Re: PostgreSQL packages for Debian potato

Alessio Bragadini
[Sorry for the late reply]

Doug McNaught wrote:

> What's wrong with getting the source debs for 7.0.x and building them
> on your Potato system?

Well, nothing per se, but first, personally I have little or no
experience to adapt a woody package to the potato structure, even if I
believe there is no much to do in 7.0.2->7.0.3. Yes, I am lazy and I
wanted to back up on some other people's work. :-)

More important, I wanted a general overview of the problem of "tracking
updated PostgreSQL packages while running Debian stable" because I
believe this can become quite a problem. Hopefully 7.1 will be out in a
few weeks, but in meantime Debian proposes 6.5.3 and woody won't become
stable for quite some months - and I am not even sure it will include
7.1. I wanted to know what is in the plans of other people who like to
run an updated version of PostgreSQL and in the meantime not to break
Debian system.

Thanks to everyone for their help.

Alessio F. Bragadini
APL Financial Services
Nicosia, Cyprus             phone: +357-2-755750

"It is more complicated than you think"
        -- The Eighth Networking Truth from RFC 1925

Re: PostgreSQL packages for Debian potato

will trillich
On Wed, Feb 28, 2001 at 02:59:26PM +0200, Alessio Bragadini wrote:
> [Sorry for the late reply]
> Doug McNaught wrote:
> > What's wrong with getting the source debs for 7.0.x and building them
> > on your Potato system?
> Well, nothing per se, but first, personally I have little or no
> experience to adapt a woody package to the potato structure, even if I
> believe there is no much to do in 7.0.2->7.0.3. Yes, I am lazy and I
> wanted to back up on some other people's work. :-)
> More important, I wanted a general overview of the problem of "tracking
> updated PostgreSQL packages while running Debian stable" because I
> believe this can become quite a problem. Hopefully 7.1 will be out in a
> few weeks, but in meantime Debian proposes 6.5.3 and woody won't become
> stable for quite some months - and I am not even sure it will include
> 7.1. I wanted to know what is in the plans of other people who like to
> run an updated version of PostgreSQL and in the meantime not to break
> Debian system.

hi, fellow debianmonger... :)

you may already know, but in case you don't, here's a
sources.list line for the 7.0.3 version of postgresql that's

    # postgresql 7.* -- for potato?
    deb potato main


    apt-get update && apt-get upgrade

or, for completeness,

    % apt-get install postgresql-pl postgresql-dev
    % perl -MCPAN -e shell
    cpan> install DBD::Pg
    cpan> look DBD::Pg
    % setenv POSTGRESQL_LIB /usr/lib/postgresql/lib
    % setenv POSTGRESQL_INCLUDE /usr/include/postgresql
    % perl Makefile.PL
    % make
    % make install
    % ^D
    cpan> q

you'll need to recompile DBD::Pg with the new postgresql-dev
headers so perl's $dbh=DBI->connect("dbi:Pg:dbname=something")
will work again.

i originally jumped on board 7.0.3potato because of the embedded
perl but it's not actually present; however, rules and triggers
and a host of other nice features make the jump worthwhile.
and built-in perl will show up soon, i'm confident.

just make SURE you get a healthy schema/data dump first, tho... :)

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interesting to do so just the same.
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