hi guys
While executing a simple query my the psql session reports that the
session has closed abnormally..
Can any one point out why .. The sample sql query is as follows..
arttoday=# select
arttoday-# art1.name,
arttoday-# CASE WHEN exh.title IS NULL THEN 'Untitled' ELSE exh.title END,
arttoday-# ltrim(to_char(exh_dist.length,'9999D99')) ||
arttoday-# CASE WHEN exh_dist.breadth IS NOT NULL
arttoday-# THEN ' x '||ltrim(to_char(exh_dist.breadth,'9999D00'))||' cms.'
arttoday-# ELSE ' cms '||exh_dist.dimensional_aspect END
arttoday-# from
arttoday-# exhibit_distributions exh_dist,
arttoday-# exhibits exh,
arttoday-# artists art1
arttoday-# where
arttoday-# exh_dist.gallery_id = 21
arttoday-# and exh_dist.exhibit_id = exh.exhibit_id
arttoday-# and exh.artist_id2 IS NULL
arttoday-# and exh.artist_id1 = art1.artist_id;
pqReadData() -- backend closed the channel unexpectedly.
This probably means the backend terminated abnormally
before or while processing the request.
The connection to the server was lost. Attempting reset:
I am running postgresql 702 on Redhat..
I use the following command line parameters to start the db
pg_ctl -o '-i -B 100 -N 50 -o "-C -F -S4096"' start 1>postmaster.log 2>&1
The tables are fairly small with 600 odd rows ..
Also when i do a query as simple as
arttoday=# select ltrim(to_char(exh_dist.length,'9999D99')) from exhibit_distributions exh_dist
the backend closes abnormally..
Can any help me out of this ..