sorry if any of you got this twice, but it appears i was unsubscribed from
pgsql-general at some point and it wouldn't let non-subscribers post, so
i'm trying again now that i am again subscribed...
hi. i tried looking through the faq and some of the manuals but didn't
come across too much useful info on the following. i'm trying to put some
more corporate types at ease here. an employer of mine has been using
mysql, and it's been great, but we're finding that we're going to need
features sooner than mysql can provide them, like sub-selects and
row-level locking and transactional support (even tho bdb tables seems
stable these days) and so on. anyway, us engineering types are suggesting
postgresql, at least for the forseeable future. but the oracle monster is
rearing its ugly head. alas...
anyway, i'm looking for a couple things:
1. examples of large sites / databases, big names using postgresql, and
stuff along those lines. sourceforge seems like a great example to me,
but the more, the better.
2. who provides commercial support for postgresql? any recommendations?
i didn't think the postgresql team itself did commercial support, but
maybe i'm wrong. sure places like redhat and valinux support their
distributions, but more specific postgresql support should it become
necessary (again, corporate people are at play here. i'm perfectly
content with the public mailing lists myself).
any info on those would be a spectacular help.