Thread: Problems building 7.1beta3 on WinNT under cygwin

Problems building 7.1beta3 on WinNT under cygwin

Barry Lind
I have tried a couple of times now to get the full 7.1 to build under
WinNT 4.0.  I first tried with beta1 and yesterday tried again with
beta3.  I have been unsuccessful in getting it to build.

I have been using the instructions at to get this to
build.  While these instructions are for 7.0.3, I figured they were a
good starting point since I don't know of any official build
instructions for Windows.

These instructions include a patch file that needs to be applied to
7.0.3.  I have found that most of the diffs are no longer necessary as
they are in the base 7.1 code, however the changes to
src/utils/dllinit.c were still needed.

However even with these changes in dllinit.c I am still having
problems.  I get sucessfully through building about half of the code
when I get the following failure:

dllwrap -o plpgsql.dll --dllname plpgsql.dll --def
plpgsql.def pl_parse.o pl_handler.o pl_comp.o pl_exec.o pl_funcs.o
../../../../src/utils/dllinit.o  -L/usr/local/lib -L/usr/local/lib
-lpostgres -lcygipc -lcygwin -lcrypt -lkernel32
pl_exec.o(.text+0x3465):pl_exec.c: undefined reference to
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
dllwrap: gcc exited with status 1

Has anyone been successful in getting 7.1 to build on WinNT under
cygwin?  If so are their any instructions on how to successfully do it?


PS.  Why is it that instructions on how to build PostgreSQL on Windows
end up being on a personal web page (like the one above I used for 7.0.3
instructions) as opposed to being in CVS in the src tree like some other

Re: Problems building 7.1beta3 on WinNT under cygwin

Tom Lane
Barry Lind <> writes:
> dllwrap -o plpgsql.dll --dllname plpgsql.dll --def
> plpgsql.def pl_parse.o pl_handler.o pl_comp.o pl_exec.o pl_funcs.o
> ../../../../src/utils/dllinit.o  -L/usr/local/lib -L/usr/local/lib
> -L../../../../src/backend
> -lpostgres -lcygipc -lcygwin -lcrypt -lkernel32
> pl_exec.o(.text+0x3465):pl_exec.c: undefined reference to
> `TransactionCommandContext'

I think that's been resolved since beta3.  Try the nightly snapshot.

Also read the recent mail list traffic concerning the NT port ...
mostly in pgsql-ports, IIRC, but check -patches and -hackers too.

            regards, tom lane