Thread: RecordSets, getString and charSets

RecordSets, getString and charSets

Rosa Maria Carro Salas

I have a problem with recordsets and charsets.

I have inserted some data into a postgresql database including spanish
characters. When I execute pgsql and I run some select queries, I get
the data in the right way, with the spanish characters I inserted.

But when I execute the same queries from a Java program using a JDBC
connection, I obtain different (non-spanish) characters after calling
the getString method to get the data from the recordSet.

I have tried different ways of getting the data from the recordSet, such
as inserting the data into a stream (calling the getAsciiStream,
getUnicodeStream and getBinaryStream methods) and converting the data
into bite[] and then to String, but the same happens.

Does anybody knows what can I do to solve this problem?

Thanks and regards,
Rosa M. Carro