Thread: happy newbie

happy newbie

"Thomas T. Thai"
i just wanted to let you all know that i'm so very happy to have joined
the list. since my first day on here, support has been great. i happen to
use NetBSD/alpha and it's not the most advocated OS or platform but i like
it very much. i am still an mysql user. my impression of your support thus
far is impressive, especially from Tom.

i can tell you this though, when i reported problems about mysql, most of
the time it went w/o a response from the developers. if i did get a
response it would almost be upgrade this, upgrade that, and sometimes i
get the impression that i should be using linux like everyone else just to
fit in. in addition, i've also submitted patches to the mysql developers,
and it was actually rejected. it was a serious bug in their thread
implementation which resulted in the wrong time for select now(); if you
are in a diff timezone. i ended up sending the patch to Monty and he was
very responsive. in many ways, Tom, you remind me of Monty. an all around
cool guy who take pride in his work and is very very helpful w/o an

i'm still waiting for a patch from NetBSD to get PostgreSQL fully
functional (passing all regression tests) to be able to use it. however,
at this time, i'm very impressed with the users of the list thus far. i'm
in no way trying to generate a flame war for oses or RDBMs. i just want to
send my appreciation to you guys.