Thread: More on: Character encoding problem using Tcl

More on: Character encoding problem using Tcl

"Johann Woeckinger"
Trying out some more settings of multibyte endcoding, I could not find any
combination of settings solving the problem described.

The only solution working up to now was to give the following statement
within the tcl application:

"encoding system identity"

This makes the insert of national special characters work as expected. But
is that a clean solution (I don't know what identity exactly does)?
If yes, where to insert this statement in the pgaccess interface (inserting it in
"main.tcl" helps only partly) ?

Johann Woeckinger
Tel. 07235/605-263 (Firma), 07235/65993 (privat)
Fax. 07235/605-383 (Firma)
Adresse/Firma: E+E Elektronik
               Dr. Johann Wöckinger
               Leiter Fertigung Systeme
               Langwiesen 7
               A-4210 Engerwitzdorf