Thread: Problem creating native win32 libraries

Problem creating native win32 libraries

Gerhard Häring
I need a native win32 build of libpq (not cygwin). I built one with
nmake -f win32.mak in the postgres toplevel directory (version 7.0.2,
cos I found that on my Linux distro). When running the  I libpq test
program, however, I always get the following error:

Connection to database 'testdb' failed.
connectDBStart() --  unknown hostname:

(Yes, a PostgreSQL instance is running on that host, and the test
program works when compiled and run under Linux)

I alwys get unknown hostname, no matter which host I supply, by name, by
IP, whatever. Are there known problems with building native win32 libpq?
I use MSVC 6 SP4 on Windows NT 5^h 2000 SP1. Can somebody please
enlighten me? A working win32 libpq build would also be appreciated :-)


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