Thread: Foreign Key constraint and Alter Table command

Foreign Key constraint and Alter Table command

Carlos Felipe Zirbes
I am using postgres 7.0.can't_remember_the_rest and I am not able to add a FK via alter table command. When I try to do it I get an "Feature not implemented" error message. This is what I've been trying to do:
alter table foo
add constraint foo_fk
foreign key (a) references foo_2
where "a" is a column name in foo.
I thought I would be able to add constraints via alter table by using pgsql 7. Was I wrong?
Thanks in advance,

Re: Foreign Key constraint and Alter Table command

Stephan Szabo
On Tue, 12 Dec 2000, Carlos Felipe Zirbes wrote:

> Hi.
> I am using postgres 7.0.can't_remember_the_rest and I am not able to add a
> FK via alter table command. When I try to do it I get an "Feature not
> implemented" error message. This is what I've been trying to do:
> alter table foo
> add constraint foo_fk
> foreign key (a) references foo_2
> where "a" is a column name in foo.
> I thought I would be able to add constraints via alter table by using pgsql
> 7. Was I wrong?

Strange, the above statement works for me in 7.0.2 once I make a foo
and foo_2 table.  Can you do a select version(); ?