Thread: Closest SQL dialect to PostgreSQL for ERwin?

Closest SQL dialect to PostgreSQL for ERwin?

Ed Loehr
I'm using ERwin to reverse engineer an ER diagram from PostgreSQL SQL
scripts (via pg_dump).  ERwin does not officially support PostgreSQL's
flavor of SQL, though having it read PostgreSQL scripts as Ingres scripts
seems to work ok.

Is there another well-known RDBMS vendor (Informix?) whose dialect and
SQL idiosyncrasies (sp?) are closer to PostgreSQL's SQL than Ingres?
ERwin supports most of the big RDBMS names (Pg is the only one I noticed
missing), and I don't know much about the various dialect differences.

Ed Loehr

Re: Closest SQL dialect to PostgreSQL for ERwin?

Alex Pilosov
Genealogicaley, Ingres would indeed be closest to pgsql (both are direct
descendants of University Ingres).

Probably a nicer thing would be for ERwin to have SQL-92 dialect, but
since nobody other than postgres even tried to comply to it, ERWin doesn't
support it ;)

On Thu, 30 Nov 2000, Ed Loehr wrote:

> I'm using ERwin to reverse engineer an ER diagram from PostgreSQL SQL
> scripts (via pg_dump).  ERwin does not officially support PostgreSQL's
> flavor of SQL, though having it read PostgreSQL scripts as Ingres scripts
> seems to work ok.
> Is there another well-known RDBMS vendor (Informix?) whose dialect and
> SQL idiosyncrasies (sp?) are closer to PostgreSQL's SQL than Ingres?
> ERwin supports most of the big RDBMS names (Pg is the only one I noticed
> missing), and I don't know much about the various dialect differences.
> Regards,
> Ed Loehr

RE: Closest SQL dialect to PostgreSQL for ERwin?

Sorry for answering a really old message...
Since I worked on all of these databases I could
not resist.

Miro-Montage-Illustra was the product that was derived
directly from postgres.  It was bought by informix and
re-implemented in version 9.* of the informix server.

ingres was based on a much much much earlier version of
the university code.

The illustra code base is very recognizably postgres.

The dialect of SQL is unique to the ORDBMS crowd.  You
can get a pure relational schema from ERWin that will
work, but you have to manipulate it afterwards if you
use any non-SQL92 features.  Boy, wouldn't I love to
have a good ORDBMS schema tool... Too bad informix's isn't

ex-ingres, ex-miro/illustra, ex-informix
currently postgreSQL database architect

-----Original Message-----
[]On Behalf Of Alex Pilosov
Sent: Thursday, November 30, 2000 10:57 PM
To: Ed Loehr
Cc: pggeneral
Subject: Re: [GENERAL] Closest SQL dialect to PostgreSQL for ERwin?

Genealogicaley, Ingres would indeed be closest to pgsql (both are direct
descendants of University Ingres).

Probably a nicer thing would be for ERwin to have SQL-92 dialect, but
since nobody other than postgres even tried to comply to it, ERWin doesn't
support it ;)

On Thu, 30 Nov 2000, Ed Loehr wrote:

> I'm using ERwin to reverse engineer an ER diagram from PostgreSQL SQL
> scripts (via pg_dump).  ERwin does not officially support PostgreSQL's
> flavor of SQL, though having it read PostgreSQL scripts as Ingres scripts
> seems to work ok.
> Is there another well-known RDBMS vendor (Informix?) whose dialect and
> SQL idiosyncrasies (sp?) are closer to PostgreSQL's SQL than Ingres?
> ERwin supports most of the big RDBMS names (Pg is the only one I noticed
> missing), and I don't know much about the various dialect differences.
> Regards,
> Ed Loehr