Thread: how to get rid of "NOTICE"'s in psql?

how to get rid of "NOTICE"'s in psql?

hubert depesz lubaczewski
i'm using psql while developing software.
i have several .sql scripts which i run via \i script.sql
most of them spill out a lot of "NOTICE" lines. like:

psql:create.structure.sql:17: NOTICE:  CREATE TABLE/PRIMARY KEY will create
implicit index 'articles_pkey' for table 'articles'
psql:create.structure.sql:23: NOTICE:  CREATE TABLE/PRIMARY KEY will create
implicit index 'kolejnosc_pkey' for table 'kolejnosc'
psql:create.structure.sql:23: NOTICE:  CREATE TABLE will create implicit
trigger(s) for FOREIGN KEY check(s)

i want to make psql *not* show any NOTICES - just plain information like
"CREATE", "INSERT", "COMMIT" and of course ERROR messages.

is there any way (besides recompiling psql with simple "if") to do what i need?


hubert depesz lubaczewski
     najwspanialszą rzeczą jaką dało nam nowoczesne społeczeństwo,
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