Thread: Starting Postgres on NT 4.0

Starting Postgres on NT 4.0

"J.Luis Magaña M."

Now I have the NT binaries, I've installed them, also have running the
ipc-daemon but now when I try to start postgres this happens:

joe666@THOR /etc
$ /pgsql/bin/postgres.exe -D /pgsql/data/
DEBUG:  Data Base System is starting up at Tue Oct 24 19:26:29 2000
DEBUG:  Data Base System was interrupted being in production at Tue Oct
24 19:20:13 2000
DEBUG:  Data Base System is in production state at Tue Oct 24 19:26:29
FATAL 1:  Database "joe666" does not exist in the system catalog.
FATAL 1:  Database "joe666" does not exist in the system catalog.

What's wrong now ?, I've initialized the directory using initdb, have
ipc-daemon running, any clue, suggestion, doc, etc ???

Thank you.

Luis Magaña
Gnovus Networks & Software
Tel. +52 (7) 4422425