Thread: OID and joins

OID and joins

Hi all.

Can I use OIDs for joins between tables without losing functionality?

The problems I am afraid of are:

    - pg_dump/psql: Can I recover OIDs from security copies?.
    - Indexes: joins between tables linked with OIDs use indexes from
      OIDs?, should I have to make that indexes or they are automatic?.
    - Any other limitation I don't achieve to view?.

Thanks for your ideas.


Re: OID and joins

Peter Eisentraut
DaVinci writes:

> Can I use OIDs for joins between tables without losing functionality?


> The problems I am afraid of are:
>     - pg_dump/psql: Can I recover OIDs from security copies?.

pg_dump -o

>     - Indexes: joins between tables linked with OIDs use indexes from
>       OIDs?, should I have to make that indexes or they are automatic?.

You have to make one.

>     - Any other limitation I don't achieve to view?.

Nope, this is really a relatively standard thing.  The oid column isn't
special as compared to other columns, aside from the fact that it is
automatically created.

Peter Eisentraut

Re: OID and joins

Adam Haberlach
On Wed, Oct 18, 2000 at 06:18:07PM +0200, Peter Eisentraut wrote:
> >     - Any other limitation I don't achieve to view?.
> Nope, this is really a relatively standard thing.  The oid column isn't
> special as compared to other columns, aside from the fact that it is
> automatically created.

    ...and isn't preserved in backups by default, causes problems while
seleting from one table into another for purposes of removing a column,
and isn't preserved during cluster generation...

...oh yeah, and it isn't standard, so it'l make it hard to migrate to a
different database system should you need to do that for some reason...

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