I created a table in an existing database and filled it with data using
Postgresql 7.0.2 on a Linux system. After this job (done with perl scripts),
the system crashed because another process went out of control. I had to
push the reset putton and was not able to properly shut down both a psql client
and the postmaster.
After restarting, psql did not find the new table in the database
(Error: "relationship loci does not exist" where loci is the name of the table)
although I can find a file with the name of the table in the directory where
the database is being stored. This file seems to contain all of the data, along
with many non-ACII characters.
How can I add this table to the database without having to re-enter the
data again?
Thanks in advance.
Karl Schmid
Department of Genetics and Evolution
Max-Planck-Institute for Chemical Ecology
Carl-Zeiss-Promenade 10
D-07745 Jena
Phone: + 49 3641-643658
Fax: + 49 3641-643668
Email: schmid@ice.mpg.de