Thread: I screwed it up, my installation :(

I screwed it up, my installation :(

Hi all,

First a bit of background, I am using RH6.1 on intel and my
window manager is HelixGnome with Sawfish.

Now, I sure hope someone can help me, I started with a
functioning pgsql 6.5.2-1 and decided to upgrade it with
the current version 7.0.2-2. I saw on the Download page the
comment about initdb and tried to find info about it,
ending up in the Installation How-To so I followed it.

On the first couple of attempts to install I kept getting
an error saying that was needed by the current
installation and hOpla, but logging in as root (yeah I
know, real dumb) and running the installation from there the
packages seemed to install ok (I downloaded the whole set of
packages because I want to really explore what I can do
with pgsql).

But then my problems really seemed to start (or at least now
become apparent) because then when I tried to restart the
postmaster service I got an error saying:
Checking postgresql installation: old version. Need to
Upgrade.See /usr/doc/postgresql-7.0/README.rpm for more

I tried to uninstall the old version but I can't using
rpm or Gnorpm (which usually crashes anyway), I now realise
the installation of the new version seems to have failed
despite the fact that when it installed all the packages
hash marks indicated the progress. So now it seems I am in
a limbo-land where I cant go either one way or the other :-(

Before anyone tells me I went about this a**e-about-face you
are absolutely right and I am suitably shamed (never done
anything so stupid before -- on this computer that is ;-)

So please help me, I am desperate.

AlphaByte: PO Box 1941, Auckland, New Zealand
Specialising in:Graphic Design, Education and Training,
Technical Documentation, Consulting.

AlphaByte: PO Box 1941, Auckland, New Zealand
Specialising in:Graphic Design, Education and Training,
Technical Documentation, Consulting.

Re: I screwed it up, my installation :(

"John Clark L. Naldoza"
Hello Alan,

From /usr/doc/postgresql-7.0.2/README.rpm it says...;-)

NOTE: The 7.0 RPMs are only being built under RedHat 6.2! They
may or may not work under RedHat 6.0 or 6.1.

But like you, I have come across the exact same thing...;-)  _IF_ you
don't have any real data and are willing to start from scratch...  try
deleting all files and directories under


and re-run your postgresql start-up script....  Postgresql should create
an empty database for your perusal...;-)

If you have some important data...  Well then, I strongly recommend that
you back-up your data from the


directory before proceeding to delete all file and directories under

Hope that helps...;-)


John Clark

Re: [ADMIN] I screwed it up, my installation :(

Lamar Owen
AlphaByte wrote:
> Checking postgresql installation: old version. Need to
> Upgrade.See /usr/doc/postgresql-7.0/README.rpm for more
> information.

> So please help me, I am desperate.

Did you read the upgrade instructions in
/usr/doc/postgresql-7.0.2/README.rpm, by chance?  After you have read
the upgrade directions, I'll be happy to answer any question you may

As to just changing the version number in /var/lib/pgsql, that's not a
good idea, as 7.0.2 has a different data format (system catalogs and
such) than 6.5.2 has.  The upgrade has taken care of half the work --
the other half is fully documented in the README.rpm file mentioned in
the error message issued by the startup script.

As to why this is not fully automatic -- well, there are people running
mission-critical databases on PostgreSQL.  Do I want to be responsible
for my automatic upgrade script trashing their database?  (Not likely!)
Thus, there is a script, postgresql-dump, adapted from the Debian
package, and documented in README.rpm, that handles the back half in a
semi-automatic fashion -- but, as far as I know, and as far as I've
heard, it won't trash your data if you run it as documented in

No, you didn't mess up anything -- you just need to finish the job the
rpm upgrade started for you.

Lamar Owen
WGCR Internet Radio
1 Peter 4:11

Re: [ADMIN] Re: I screwed it up, my installation :(

Thanks John,

I tried your suggestion but it made no difference, and
whilst I wiped the egg off my face I reinstalled from the
6.5 CD after uninstalling 7.0 as root. So its all happy now.

I guess with my current configuration it ain't gonna work
under RedHat 6.1, but I am going to wait till a proven
version of RedHat 7.x comes out before I upgrade.


On Fri, 18 Aug 2000, John Clark L. Naldoza wrote regarding
"[ADMIN] Re: [GENERAL] I screwed it up, my installation
:(": > Hello Alan, >
> From /usr/doc/postgresql-7.0.2/README.rpm it says...;-)
> NOTE: The 7.0 RPMs are only being built under RedHat 6.2! They
> may or may not work under RedHat 6.0 or 6.1.
> But like you, I have come across the exact same thing...;-)  _IF_ you
> don't have any real data and are willing to start from scratch...  try
> deleting all files and directories under
> /var/lib/pgsql
> and re-run your postgresql start-up script....  Postgresql should create
> an empty database for your perusal...;-)
> If you have some important data...  Well then, I
strongly recommend that > you back-up your data from the
> /var/lib/pgsql
> directory before proceeding to delete all file and directories under
> it...;-)
> Hope that helps...;-)
> Cheers,
> John Clark
AlphaByte: PO Box 1941, Auckland, New Zealand
Specialising in:Graphic Design, Education and Training,
Technical Documentation, Consulting.

Re: [ADMIN] Re: I screwed it up, my installation :(

"Mitch Vincent"
Download and install it from source, it takes about 5 minutes and it's
_absolutely_ worth it..


----- Original Message -----
From: "AlphaByte" <>
To: "pgsql list - admin" <>; "pgsql list -
general" <>
Sent: Friday, August 18, 2000 3:54 PM
Subject: Re: [ADMIN] Re: [GENERAL] I screwed it up, my installation :(

> Thanks John,
> I tried your suggestion but it made no difference, and
> whilst I wiped the egg off my face I reinstalled from the
> 6.5 CD after uninstalling 7.0 as root. So its all happy now.
> I guess with my current configuration it ain't gonna work
> under RedHat 6.1, but I am going to wait till a proven
> version of RedHat 7.x comes out before I upgrade.
> Cheers
> Alan
> On Fri, 18 Aug 2000, John Clark L. Naldoza wrote regarding
> "[ADMIN] Re: [GENERAL] I screwed it up, my installation
> :(": > Hello Alan, >
> >
> > From /usr/doc/postgresql-7.0.2/README.rpm it says...;-)
> >
> > NOTE: The 7.0 RPMs are only being built under RedHat 6.2! They
> > may or may not work under RedHat 6.0 or 6.1.
> >
> > But like you, I have come across the exact same thing...;-)  _IF_ you
> > don't have any real data and are willing to start from scratch...  try
> > deleting all files and directories under
> >
> > /var/lib/pgsql
> >
> > and re-run your postgresql start-up script....  Postgresql should create
> > an empty database for your perusal...;-)
> >
> > If you have some important data...  Well then, I
> strongly recommend that > you back-up your data from the
> >
> > /var/lib/pgsql
> >
> > directory before proceeding to delete all file and directories under
> > it...;-)
> >
> > Hope that helps...;-)
> >
> >
> > Cheers,
> >
> >
> > John Clark
> --
> AlphaByte: PO Box 1941, Auckland, New Zealand
> Specialising in:Graphic Design, Education and Training,
> Technical Documentation, Consulting.