Thread: PostgreSQL on NT: new cygwin?
Hi people, I'm trying to install pgsql on NT using cygwin's last release... well, it seems quite different from b20, you already got cygwin-ipc and there's no more a cygwin-b20 directory, the root directory seems to be unix like even if you don't install Andy Piper tools... is there anyone who has experience on that kind of installation? I've tried to download but bzip2 keeps telling me that this package is corrupted. Anyone has some experience? Bye Andrea
There are binaries available at the postgreSQL home site for Cygwin 20.1 and at my web site for the new netrelease (actually 1.1.0). In my release the source code for cygipc 1.05 is included. Joost Kraaijeveld Askesis B.V. Molukkenstraat 14 6524NB Nijmegen tel: 024-3888063 / 06-51855277 fax: 024-3608416 email: web: