Thread: Objective : 1st. aplication with Tcl/Tk and Postgres

Objective : 1st. aplication with Tcl/Tk and Postgres

"Marcel Sierra"
Thanks Again for the accurate answers.
I'm translating some programs to the Catalan
in the translation group.
I want to get more high level of experience
about the Linux. And more practice.
Please, let me explain My Objectives :
I want to develop a sample program with :
* Tcl/Tk (because is more portable than GTK)
* Over Postgres in Linux Red Hat 6.0
* With a Graphical Menu (not Text !)
* To see the database with MSWindows (r/w mode)
  by Vbasic6.0 and ODBC (thru TCP/IP, ETHERNET,
  This is to do a prototype of aplication
  and to host it in the Linux user group :

If you can help me with portions of code
to do it, all contributions will be Welcome.
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Marcel Sierra i Alegret
des de Barcelona, Europa.