Thread: Rounding/create C function question

Rounding/create C function question


 I need some custom rounding function (say 1 or two decimal points),
what would be the simplest way to make one?

- Robert

P.S. I tried to create one in C like

    #include <string.h>
    #include "postgres.h"

    double tst5(double x) {
        return x; // ... whatever needed

and compiled it with (on RadHat 6.1, PG 6.5.3)

    gcc -I/usr/include/pgsql -fPIC -shared
        -o -Wl,-soname, eucto_round.c

    CREATE FUNCTION tst5(float8) RETURNS float8
        AS '/mnt/lotrando_c/projekty/eucto/bin/' LANGUAGE

This works as long as the function is int4/int4, but for float8 'backend
terminated abnormally'. Thanks for any help.

Re: Rounding/create C function question

From (Jan Wieck)
[Charset iso-8859-2 unsupported, filtering to ASCII...]
> Hi,
>  I need some custom rounding function (say 1 or two decimal points),
> what would be the simplest way to make one?
> - Robert
> P.S. I tried to create one in C like
>    #include <string.h>
>    #include "postgres.h"
>    double tst5(double x) {
>         return x; // ... whatever needed
>    }
> and compiled it with (on RadHat 6.1, PG 6.5.3)
>    gcc -I/usr/include/pgsql -fPIC -shared
>         -o -Wl,-soname, eucto_round.c
>    CREATE FUNCTION tst5(float8) RETURNS float8
>         AS '/mnt/lotrando_c/projekty/eucto/bin/' LANGUAGE
> 'c';
> This works as long as the function is int4/int4, but for float8 'backend
> terminated abnormally'. Thanks for any help.

    float8  is  passed by reference (pointer), not by value. Look
    into the existing functions mucking with float8 ...



# It's easier to get forgiveness for being wrong than for being right. #
# Let's break this rule - forgive me.                                  #
#========================================= (Jan Wieck) #