Thread: Messages to Front End

Messages to Front End

"Jigishu P Bhatt"
I am developing an Information Management System. I am using PgAccess(0.98.5) as
front end. The backend is PostgreSQL-6.5.2 and OS is Red Hat Linux 6.1, on
Intel P-II 350 MHz connected with LAN. I have installed them using RPM of
Linux. I have learned some of the Tcl and Tk for programming.
Message to Front End :
I need to show confirmation message to front end, eg. "Record with name = name inserted." after the record is inserted. How can I do it?
I am using PgAccess as Front End. I had written some triggers using plpgsql and pltcl. Now, after inserting a record in table, I want to use an AFTER INSERT trigger to send message to front end as "Record is inserted with" or similar. But except Error messages (with RAISE EXCEPTION or elog ERROR ), no message comes to front end. But if EXCEPTION or ERROR is used, the operation is aborted. If I use elog NOTICE then it also comes as an ERROR message to the front end.
If I work on PgSQL monitor (psql) , I can get NOTICE message that confirms the operation and does not go to ABORT state. But how to get message I like to front end (PgAccess) from AFTER INSERT OR UPDATE Triggers?
Is there any better way ? Is there any way ?
Sincerely yours,
Jigishu Bhatt

Re: Messages to Front End

Jurgen Defurne

Jigishu P Bhatt wrote:

>  I am developing an Information Management System. I am using
> PgAccess(0.98.5) as
> front end. The backend is PostgreSQL-6.5.2 and OS is Red Hat Linux
> 6.1, on
> Intel P-II 350 MHz connected with LAN. I have installed them using RPM
> of
> Linux. I have learned some of the Tcl and Tk for programming. Message
> to Front End : I need to show confirmation message to front end, eg.
> "Record with name = name inserted." after the record is inserted. How
> can I do it? I am using PgAccess as Front End. I had written some
> triggers using plpgsql and pltcl. Now, after inserting a record in
> table, I want to use an AFTER INSERT trigger to send message to front
> end as "Record is inserted with" or similar. But except
> Error messages (with RAISE EXCEPTION or elog ERROR ), no message comes
> to front end. But if EXCEPTION or ERROR is used, the operation is
> aborted. If I use elog NOTICE then it also comes as an ERROR message
> to the front end. If I work on PgSQL monitor (psql) , I can get NOTICE
> message that confirms the operation and does not go to ABORT state.
> But how to get message I like to front end (PgAccess) from AFTER
> INSERT OR UPDATE Triggers? Is there any better way ? Is there any way
> ? Sincerely yours,  Jigishu Bhatt

Triggers are not meant to send messages to your front-end, but to
provide additional
processing on your database, processing for which you can say this
should not be done on the

I have built a simple application (more as an exercise) to enter
author's name into a database. If
you want I can send it completely, but then I will have to translate it
into English first (native
language = Dutch).

This is the part that inserts the record.

# Create the query
       set query "INSERT INTO \"Person\" (\"Name\", \"Surname\") \
                   VALUES ('${Name}', '${Surname}') ;"

# Send the query to the database
       set QResult [pg_exec $connection $query]

        if {![string compare [pg_result $QResult -status]
        } else {
                message .errorMsg -text [pg_result $QResult -error]

What you can do is wait for your pg_result status, if it says OK then
your front-end can issue
the message itself. No need to write complex codings in a trigger.

Jurgen Defurne