You can do this with \d tablename in psql. Or, the SQL commands to
generate the same thing are:
QUERY: SELECT a.attnum, a.attname, t.typname, a.attlen, a.atttypmod,
a.attnotnull, a.atthasdef FROM pg_class c, pg_attribute a, pg_type t WHERE
c.relname = 'tablename' and a.attnum > 0 and a.attrelid =
c.oid and a.atttypid = t.oid ORDER BY attnum
QUERY: SELECT viewname, definition FROM pg_views WHERE viewname like
At 06:05 PM 4/10/00, Merrill Oveson wrote:
>Oracle has a command "describe"
>"describe cars" or "desc cars"
>where cars is the name of the table.
>this command describes the attributes of a table.
>Name Null Type Constraint
>VIN char(20) Primary key
>Make Not Null varchar(20)
>Model varchar(20)
>Does Postgresql have anything similar?
>I could find the command "describe" anywhere in the documentation.