Thread: postmaster is screwed up.

postmaster is screwed up.

Brad Marshall
I'm accessing postmaster through python using the _pg module.  Last
 night it was working fine.  This morning the database is all messed up.
 When I do a transaction:Begin;Insert ....;End;I get errors:NOTICE:  (transaction aborted): queries ignored until
ENDThen sometimes I get a notice that there is no connection to the backend even though postmaster is running.from
psql,I tried :  select * from xml;I got this error:pqReadData() -- backend closed the channel unexpectedly.
      This probably means the backend terminated abnormally        before or
whileprocessing the request.We have lost the connection to the backend, so further processing is impossible. 
Terminating.Any ideas to what could have happened overnight?Thanks a lotBrad Marshall