Thread: Data location problem

Data location problem

From (Brad.Murray)
I have your Postgresql server running on my Linux (RH 5.2). I must say I am
pleased with it's performance. I have, however, encountered a situation I can
not figure out how to resolve.  I have partitioned my system in the following

Filesystem         1024-blocks  Used Available Capacity Mounted on
/dev/hda2              35132   29158     4160     88%   /
/dev/hda3               3901     593     3107     16%   /boot
/dev/hda8              21438    6211    14120     31%   /home
/dev/hda6             347375  233681    95754     71%   /usr
/dev/hda5             550279    1006   520849      0%   /usr/database
/dev/hda7              50717   49921        0    100%   /usr/src

The idea is to have my Databases (data) reside on hda5 (for easy backup).
postmaster etc. reside on hda6. I had originally setup a database ('diplinedb')
in /usr/lib/ (will I was learning the system), then attempted to migrate it to
/usr/database, using all of the "secondary location" instructions (initlocation,
initdb, $PGDATA2). I start postmaster with either "postmaster -i -D $PGDATA2"
(PGDATA2 = /usr/database) or "postmaster -i -D /usr/database" and still my data
goes to /usr/lib. I think I read somewhere that postmaster will not traverse
partitions (hda6 -> hda5), is this the case? If so, is there a way around this,
or do I just need to bite the bullet and repartition the system so that my
PGDATA2 and postmaster reside on the same partition?

Thanks Brad