Thread: Deleting large objects sans index

Deleting large objects sans index

What's the quickest way to delete all PostgreSQL large objects? Is there a
system table that lists the oids of existing large objects? I expect the
command is something like:

=> select lo_unlink(SOME_ATTRIBUTE) from SOME_SYSTEM_TABLE

but I don't which system table and which attribute! I'm tempted to do:

% /bin/rm -f /usr/local/pgsql/base/DBNAME/xin[xv]*

but I suspect that's a bad idea. In desperation, I might have to do:

% destroydb DBNAME

but I want to save that as a last resort.

More general question: I ended up in this quandry because of a goof-- I
created a table with an oid field and then created several large objects
"linked" to the table (of course, the large objects weren't part of the
table-- the table just contained the oids of the large objects--
nonetheless, I thought of the large objects as 'belonging' to the table).
Then I foolishly did a "delete from table;" without deleting the large
objects first-- this left me with a whole bunch of large objects to which
I had no reference. Is there a general way to a) avoid this sort of thing
(triggers??) and/or b) clean up the mess after something like this

Re: [GENERAL] Deleting large objects sans index

On Wed, 16 Feb 2000 wrote:

> What's the quickest way to delete all PostgreSQL large objects? Is there a
> system table that lists the oids of existing large objects? I expect the
> command is something like:
> => select lo_unlink(SOME_ATTRIBUTE) from SOME_SYSTEM_TABLE
> but I don't which system table and which attribute! I'm tempted to do:
> % /bin/rm -f /usr/local/pgsql/base/DBNAME/xin[xv]*
> but I suspect that's a bad idea. In desperation, I might have to do:
> % destroydb DBNAME
> but I want to save that as a last resort.

i dont know if this is 'safe', but:

select lo_unlink( int4( substr(relname,5) ) )
 from pg_class
 where relname like 'xinv%';

select substr(relname,5) from pg_class where relname like 'xinv%';

ircbot=> select relname,substr(relname,5) from pg_class where relname like
relname    | substr
(10 rows)

although the oid ( by itself ) should be present in one of the pg_*

> More general question: I ended up in this quandry because of a goof-- I
> created a table with an oid field and then created several large objects
> "linked" to the table (of course, the large objects weren't part of the
> table-- the table just contained the oids of the large objects--
> nonetheless, I thought of the large objects as 'belonging' to the table).
> Then I foolishly did a "delete from table;" without deleting the large
> objects first-- this left me with a whole bunch of large objects to which
> I had no reference. Is there a general way to a) avoid this sort of thing
> (triggers??) and/or b) clean up the mess after something like this
> happens?

there's a library called 'lo' in $PGSQL_SRC_ROOT/contrib/lo/ that handles
automagic deletes of LO's if the corresponding oid is removed.  the
release in 6.5.2 had a bug where it didnt check for NULL oids, though.  i
havent taken the time to patch it and mail it back to the dev team.

Howie <>   URL:
"You do not have the right to free health care.  That would be nice, but
 from the looks of public housing, we're just not interested in health care."