Thread: Re: referential integrity (fwd)
Sir: I have two tables customer and order defined as follows: create table customer ( custno integer not null, name varchar(30), address varchar(30), primary key (custno)); create table order ( orderno integer not null, custno integer, orddate date, amount numeric(7,2), primary key (orderno)); create sequence 'next_cust' start 1; create sequence 'next_ord' start 1; My problem is how would i implement referential integrity so that whenever i insert a new order, it should check first if the custno exist in the customber table. Can somebody please show me an example how would i do it in this case? Thank you... Manny C. Cabido ==================================== =====================================
Manuel Cabido wrote: > > My problem is how would i implement referential integrity so that > whenever i insert a new order, it should check first if the custno exist > in the customber table. Can somebody please show me an example how would i > do it in this case? You may do this via triggers and procedures using the semi-built-in postgresql language called "PL/pgSQL". Here are a couple of useful references: (to activate the language in your db) There are numerous other examples in the .../src/test/regress/sql/plpgsql.sql file. Yours will look something like this: CREATE FUNCTION check_for_customer() RETURNS OPAQUE AS 'DECLARE cust RECORD; BEGIN SELECT INTO temp * FROM customer WHERE custno = NEW.custno; if not found then RAISE EXCEPTION ''TRIGGER % % % % on RELATION % : Cannot insert an order with a non-existent customer number (%)'', TG_NAME, TG_WHEN, TG_LEVEL, TG_OP, TG_RELNAME, NEW.custno; end if; RETURN NEW; END;' LANGUAGE 'plpgsql'; CREATE TRIGGER order_insert_trigger AFTER INSERT ON order FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE check_for_customer (); There is work in progress to provide more automated support for this in version 7.x, possibly sometime this year. Cheers, Ed Loehr