Thread: Re: [GENERAL] How to do this in Postgres

Re: [GENERAL] How to do this in Postgres


Try this :

select *
from data
group by id1,id2
having prio=min(prio)

I'm not sure it works with Postgres, using Sybase this would
returns a lot of duplicates since the group by mechanism is
a bit strange.

If it does't, this should work :

select id1,id2
into bogus
from data
group by id1,id2
having prio=min(prio)

select data.id1,data.id2,<<lots of data>>
from data,bogus
where data.id1=bogus.id1 and data.id2=bogus.id2

drop table bogus


--- Holger Klawitter <> wrote:
> Hi there,
> I tried all I could think of with the following problem, perhaps
> someone has another idea.
> I have a table where for each id there may (and often are) multiple
> rows with some kind of priority.
>   create table data ( id1 int4, id2 int4, <<lots of data>>, prio
> int4 );
> The minimal priority is not guaranteed to be 1. There are 200k
> different ids with up to 10 entries, summing up to 400k rows.
> Not I want to do something like this:
>    select * from data where <<prio is minimal per id pair>>.